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subject: Are You Lying Yourself Right Out of Business? [print this page]

Are You Lying Yourself Right Out of Business?

Are You Lying Yourself Right Out of Business?

"I'm bad at writing."

"Writing is too hard. I can't do it."

"Everything I write sounds stupid."

Those are the lies I hear all the time.

You know what? They scare the heck out of me. Why? Because, if you believe those lies, you are going to lie yourself right out of business. And there's nothing I can do about it.

Unless, of course, you are willing to pause for just a minute and ask yourself, "Is what I'm saying really true?"

And I'm going to answer as loudly as I can, "No, you're telling yourself lies! Business-killing, self esteem-demolishing, might-as-well-give-up-now lies!"

I know what I'm talking about. I used to tell myself the exact same lies.

Luckily at the time I didn't have an internet-based business I could kill. But the lies kept me away from my passion for twenty years. That's a long time to do work for which you have no passion.

So forgive me if I get a little in-your-face about the lies you're telling yourself. It's personal for me.

Now before I talk you out of your lies, let me ask you three questions:

1. Are you bad at talking to your best friend?

2. Is talking to your best friend so hard you don't do it?

3. Does everything you say sound stupid when you talk to your best friend?

I didn't think so.

Truth #1 The internet business world is all about conversations.

Truth #2 If you can carry on a conversation with your best friend, you can communicate about your internet business.

Notice the fourteenth word in Truth #2. Go ahead and count. I'll wait.


Three more questions:

1. Are you bad at communicating?

2. Is communicating so hard you don't do it?

3. Do you always sound stupid every time you communicate?

I didn't think so.

Writing is just one form of communication. If it has you twisted in a knot, then use another form of communication. Get creative.

Record what you want to say. Nobody ever said you can't do an audio ezine or an audio blog.

Do a video. People love videos, and they're showing up everywhere on websites, on sales pages, in tweets.

And for those times when you absolutely, positively have to have it in writing, that's why other writing phobic people invented transcription services and voice recognition software programs.

But do me a favor someday. Do yourself a favor. Make yourself write something.

That's what someone did to me. She made me write something. In fact, she made me write about hotdogs and recombinant DNA and horse semen. I kid you not. That's what our clients needed me to write about, so that's what I wrote about.

Guess what? I discovered I'd been telling myself a bunch of lies about writing and me. We're good friends now. In fact, I'd even go so far as to say we're lovers.

So someday try your hand at some writing. What have you got to lose, except some old self-limiting beliefs that no longer serve you? And even if you don't fall in love with writing, maybe you'll turn an enemy into an ally.

Your business will thank you for it.

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