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Browsershots Review
Browsershots Review

A great way to get your Web site seen by more people is by using the Browsershots service. It's a really interesting service that basically takes a snapshot of your home page and adds it to an image catalogue of website home pages. Once added, visitors can enter the Browsershots service to search for websites based on a chosen category. The reason the screenshot comes into play is because all they have to do is move their mouse over your name and a shot of what your screen looks like will pop up. If you have a nice-looking websites, and perhaps this is one of its better qualities, then this is one way to capitalize on what people like with regards to website layout and style. Just enter your website address and you have added the website to the Browsershots database, no need to worry about the screenshots at all, and here's why. You do not have to worry about the screenshot at all, as one of their staff will actually retrieve the image for you, saving you the legwork. You can even specify the screenshot to be a page other than the home page. If you are trying to market one aspect of your service, you can have them do a shot of that. This is a great way to get people to notice something different that your company offers. For instance, if your business is diverse and you provide varying degrees of products and services, some may only know for the products, others may only know you for the services. Having a screenshot is a great way to promote that. If your company has just created a website, Browsershots can come in handy then too. A creative web page design can be provided for use solely by your firm. You will have a choice from more than 30,000 different designs that can be applied to your website. You are likely to find something that suits your tastes easily with this service. Often, we find it hard to describe in words what we want in our website, even though we can visualize it so easily. Broswershots will assist you in realizing that dream website for you.Many internet browsers work perfectly with Browsershots. In addition, they also work across many platforms, such as Windows, Linux-based systems, Mac and BSD. With the vast level of variety that is provided in browsers, you can always count on the service to aid you wherever you happen to work. You can even customize your color depth and the Flash and JavaScript too. This service covers all the bases you need so you end up with a great web design.

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