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Treatment Options for Dealing with Cancer - Dealing with Cancer Emotionally

Although a lot of research has been done and there are a number of treatment options for dealing with cancer, the slightest mention of the disease strikes terror in our hearts. Every year millions of people are diagnosed with cancer. Other than one's health and finances, the disease itself takes a huge toll on an individual emotionally. Be it a person himself, his friend or someone in the family, cancer affects all those who are around the patient. Hence dealing with cancer emotionally is just as big a challenge as the disease itself.

Dealing With Cancer

The emotional turmoil starts as soon as one is diagnosed with cancer. I saw my aunt go absolutely numb the moment the word CANCER was uttered by her doctor. She stared blankly into the space in front of her and initially I thought she had got into a state of shock. Then did I realize that dealing with cancer diagnosis itself is so important for coming to terms with the disease. Here are ways to make handling the situation a little easier.

Reach Out

The most common reaction of those suffering from cancer is to isolate themselves. The disease can fill one with negativity and depression. This makes one push himself to a corner. He shuts the doors to the world outside. However, this is not the right way of dealing with cancer. If you have been diagnosed with cancer, you would go through a rigmarole of emotions. Initially one feels scared. Then the fear is replaced with sadness and anger. Let these feelings out. Share your sorrow with those around you. Talking with your loved ones will fill you with optimism and help you deal with your negative thoughts.

Know the Malaise

Read and learn more about the disease. Many have reported that learning about a disease helps them deal with it better. Once an individual knows what the disease is all about, many of his misconceptions and fears stemming due to ignorance of the disease clears out. Internet and books are full of information about cancer. Hence getting information about the disease won't be difficult. However, while doing so one must ensure that the information is correct and up-to-date.

Join a Support Group

Many of those who have suffered themselves or have witnessed their loved ones going through the emotional trauma of some serious disease have formed support groups. Look for such support groups in your city and join one. Not only do such groups provide emotional support, but they also have useful information about the disease.

Dealing with Cancer in the Family

Seeing a loved one going through the ordeals of a disease like cancer, enables one enough to understand the mental stress that a patient of such a disease goes through. The best that you can do is try to be there for that person as he/she copes with the his/her travail. Encourage him/her to talk and communicate. Help such people to express their feelings. Try to engage them in activities that take their minds off the disease. Reading has a great therapeutic effect on people who suffer from some serious illness. Read something that has a positive message. Or better still, narrate stories of those, who through their personal experience have learned how to deal with cancer.

If there are children in the family the situation becomes all the more sensitive. Whatever the age, children should always be told that their parents or a certain family member is suffering from cancer. How this has to be told depends upon the age of a child. Children should be given a basic understanding about the disease and the part of the body that is affected. Children should also be made to understand the mode of cancer treatment and why it is being resorted to. What has to be told and how, depends on how old the child is. If there is more than one child, you may devote separate time for each to tailor your information as per the child's age. It is very important to ensure that the child does not get scared by the disease. Make sure that he (the child) does not hold himself responsible for the suffering of the family member. Explain that cancer is not contagious and that he can spend as much time with his relative as he wants to. Be it yourself or a family member, when it comes to dealing with cancer, positive thinking is all that can save the day. Stand by the side of your friend or relative if he is suffering from cancer. And if it's you, then show the courage to deal with the illness that can inspire others to sail through their ordeal.

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