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Review of The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson
Review of The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson

I recently completed The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. What is so powerful about the Slight Edge is that this is not some bland how to motivational book. Rather it is the precursor of all how to and motivational books. I have read many positive motivational and how to books such as; Think and Grow Rich, How to Win Friends and Influence People, How to Have Power and Confidence in dealing with People, Rich Dad Poor Dad, and list goes on.

All of those books have incredibly powerful information. However, as the age old saying goes, knowledge is not power rather the application of knowledge is power. That is precisely where the Slight Edge by Jeff Olson comes into play. The Slight Edge focuses on making consistent realistic changes.

If a person is looking for a complete transformation of himself/herself they can do it. They do need the how to, and just as important as the "how" is the "when". All too often we set out with massive drive and ambition all to be disappointed. It's NOT because your dream was too big it is because the time frame in which you set to obtain your dream wasn't realistic. Rome wasn't built in day and neither is life changing success.

The principal method of the Slight Edge is doing seemly small insignificant steps consistently in the right direction. Over time all the seemly small steps add up to massive action toward the ultimate success in what you seek. Regardless of what business you are in odds are your struggle for success dose not come from lack of proper how to but rather lack of action. What stops most people from taking action? The answer is fear.

Most people fail to accomplish their goals because they fear failure. The Slight Edge teaches you to embrace failure, and explains that Successful people fail their way to the top. Who ever made the statement that "failure is not option" couldn't have been more wrong. Failing IS the only option, as it is the method that ultimately leads to success. Fail enough times, learn from each attempt and success is imminent. Thomas Edison failed to create the light bulb 10,000 times before getting it right. Imagine if he would have quit the 5th, 60th, 1,800th time? Thomas Edison commented: "I have not failed. I've simply discovered ten thousand ways that do not work."

I highly encourage you to read the Slight Edge by Jeff Olson as it is not bland version of the same old. I believe it is the missing key that will unlock the success you desire. It literally unlocks the hidden power of all the knowledge you have obtained from other self help, motivational, and business how books. Successful people are simply whiling to do what unsuccessful people are not.

I hope you enjoyed my review of The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. For this and many other reviews soon to follow please click here to visit my blog. Until next time, make it a great day.

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