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subject: Free Money Formula Review – Legitimate or Fraud? [print this page]

Free Money Formula Review Legitimate or Fraud?

Read my Free Money Formula review if you are thinking about ordering this automated affiliate marketing program. Developed by Internet marketer Philip Masour, this plug and play system will supposedly make your affiliate link go viral in no time. The question is how does it differ from all the other similar systems and does it really work.

Evidently Mr. Masour has assembled a group of master programmers that have developed a software system they call the black box system. They say the system will generate loads of free, targeted, instant traffic for your affiliate product or program. All you have to do is plug in your information and push play. Many people are attracted to affiliate marketing because one can theoretically make money without a product, customers, inventory or customer service. If in fact this system can accomplish all that it says it can, the Free Money Formula would be well worth the one time investment of $37 which comes with a 100% sixty-day guarantee.

The sales page and video for the Free Money Formula is like so many you have more than likely seen. You know the dripping with hype pictures of fancy cars, beach homes and expensive toys. Also included are a host of bank statements showing massive income. I would encourage you to not be influenced by this sales technique. If you feel the system would be beneficial to your marketing endeavors, go ahead and give it a try. After all it's only $37. I wouldn't hold your breath expecting to be riding in a new Rolls next week though.

In doing this Free Money Formula review I found this system to be a legitimate one that could help you generate traffic. I do not feel however that this plug and play style program alone will turn you into a seasoned successful online marketer. That will require an investment of both time and money on your part, but it is definitely attainable.

Learning the art of successfully marketing on the Internet is a process. There are no hidden secrets in a safe in some guru's basement, although many will try to convince you that there are. Simply, if you are willing to put in a consistent effort towards learning it, you will over time master the trade. Joining a top tier training program with a personal mentor would drastically shorten the learning curve.

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