subject: Living With Allergies Causes Some Difficult Decisions to Be Made For Your Child Every Day [print this page] Living With Allergies Causes Some Difficult Decisions to Be Made For Your Child Every Day
Or do you say no? Your decision may depend on how well you can predict the severity of the reaction or how easily you will be able to take precautions.Your child having allergies causes problems for you with each decision.
Most serious allergic reactions happen out of the home, so keeping your child's medicines handy should be a matter of routine, remain vigilant, whatever the activity or situation, especially with young children.
Eating out
Restaurants can cater for most food allergies, but eating out can be more difficult if your child has multiple allergies.
Choose the restaurant carefully, e.g. no Oriental or Indian food if your child is allergic to nuts, even going out for tea can be a problem as cakes and biscuits may contain eggs, wheat, milk and /or nuts
At canteens and self-services counters there may be no one to ask about ingredients, go at quieter, off-peak times and choose basic foods like a jacket potato
Always ask to speak to the manager or chef when you arrive and tell them about your child's allergy so that the food can be kept separate, warn them about cross-contamination from utensils, spillages, etc
In the case of toddlers and very young children, most restaurants are happy for you to take your own snacks with you
Ask about everything you order, trust your instincts- if a meal doesn't look right, send it back for the chef to check, make it clear how dangerous mistakes can be
With nut allergies, it may be better if everyone at your table is also nut-free to avoid problems with any spillages
Get your child used to not eating certain foods when they are away from home, e.g. ice cream
If you have young children, you may prefer to take your own booster seat as restaurants highchairs are not usually completely clean
If you find one restaurant is helpful, become a regular there, ask for the same staff and order the same food.
Birthday parties
All children love a birthday party, but food allergies, latex allergy, eczema or even dust allergy can affect their enjoyment
When you reply to the invitation, mention that your child has an allergy, some parties may cause more problems than others, e.g. arts and crafts parties for children with an allergy to glue or paint
Children with food allergies can feel left out if they cant eat the same food as their peers, ask what food they will be serving as you may find that your child will be able to eat some of it, if not, bring your own alternatives, e.g. nut-free chocolate spread sandwiches, dairy-free ice cream or wheat-free cakes
When you arrive at the party, remind the parents about your child's allergy and, in the case of food allergies, double-check the food on offer, remember that food intended for the parents may not be suitable for your child
Teach your child to ask about the ingredients before they eat the party food and to only eat wrapped items they have eaten before
Always make sure your child has a supply of medicines with them and that they, or a responsible adult, know how to use them
If your child has dust allergy, remind them not to sit on the floor
If you are worried, stay at the party but keep in the background, or lave your child under the watchful eye of another trustworthy adult
Sleeping over at a friend's is a big step in independence, but also a big worry for parents, by the time your child is old enough to go to a sleepover, they should be ready to take some responsibility for their allergy management
Make the first sleepover at your house or at a good friend's house not far away, keep the sleepovers small at first, with only two or three children
If your child is allergic to house dust mites, they wont be able to sleep on the floor, their bedding needs to be clean and dust-free, so keep a spare set of anti-allergy bedding covers for sleepovers
Provide clear instructions for the other parents about your child's allergies and triggers, but don't worry them unnecessarily about the responsibility
Discuss your child1`s evening routine with the other parents, for example your child may need to take their allergy medicines or apply emollients before going to bed
Make sure your child knows what to do if they have an allergic reaction
Let your child know that you are only a phone call away and make sure you can be contacted easily that evening, don't keep checking up though- arrange to call once in the middle of the evening to check everything okay
Family holidays
All holiday need good planning but even more so when your child has an allergy. A ` Holiday Campaign` report by Allergy UK in July 2007 found that over 50% of people have restricted their holidays because of allergies and asthma with over 67% of people experiencing an allergic reaction while away
There are many challenges to face in a foreign country, so some parents find it easier to holiday in Great Britain, however, all holidays can be problematic if you don't take precautions
Plan ahead
Ask your travel agent if any hotels can cater for people on a restricted diet, if your child has multiple or severe allergies, self-catering may be the safest option
Some bed and breakfast or holiday cottages can cater for people with allergies, especially gluten or dairy, search for suitable places on the internet
Make sure you stay near medical facilities and check the location of the nearest GPs and hospitals when you arrive
Some airlines operate nut-free catering policies, while others don't serve peanuts but wont stop other passengers from bringing snacks on board, speak to the airline in advance to see what precautions they take
Confirm with the airline that you will be carrying adrenaline auto-injectors (epiPens or Anapens), and get a letter from your doctor explaining why you are carrying them, you may need to show this letter at security control or check-in
Let the cabin crew know about your child's allergy when you arrive on the aeroplane
Ask your child's GP or allergy specialist about any apecial precautions you should take on holiday
Ensure that your travel insurance covers allergy treatments, Asthma UK can provide you with details of insurance plans for people with asthma, if you are travelling in the European Union, obtain a European Health Insurance Card from your local post office
Pack your essentials
If you are travelling abroad you may be able to buy a translation card to explain your child's condition in the country's native language, translation cards are available from Allergy UK and Kidsware, if you are travelling to a country whose language isn't covered, find a reputable translation agency to translate phases such as ` My child is severely allergic to...`
Pack supplies of food to eat at the airport or on the journey in case you are delayed, also pack some for the holiday and journey home, the less shopping you have to do while away, the better. If you do buy abroad, check the labels carefully-even well-known brands may contain different ingredients in another country and may be produced in a different factory
If your child has house dust mite allergy, pack anti-allergy bedding
Ensure you have enough medicines for your holiday plus some extra, as getting replacements may be difficult abroad, keep the medicines out of the heat and cold and store them carefully
Make sure your child wears medical ID jewellery, as this is an internationally recognised way of notifying foreign doctors that your child has an allergy or any medical condition
Children's holiday camps
As your child gets older, you will want them to have the same experiences as their peers, holiday camps and adventure holidays can give your child self-confidence and new skills, and help them meet new friends
Allergy camps
Asthma UK`s Kick Asthma Adventure Camp is the only camp in the UK that caters especially for children with allergies, asthma or eczema, this week long adventure holiday is supervised by fully trained volunteers and supported by healthcare professionals, it has an educational message as well as physical and social activities, as there are sessions on managing medicines and coping with an asthma attack, it is suitable for children from six to 17 years and is held in a variety of locations around the country
With any holiday are outing of any kind it is always best to be well prepared for any situation and if you need further advice it is always best to ask a healthcare professional.Having allergies causes problems but none that cannot be sorted out for you.
If you are serious and want more information on allergies and how to rid yourself of them once and for all then visit my website on: where you will find all the information that you need to stop your allergies in their tracks in as little as 5 days.
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