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subject: The Truth Review About Alex Shelton And His Six Figure Renegade [print this page]

The Truth Review About Alex Shelton And His Six Figure Renegade

You see, they make up to $3000 a day promoting IM products... they know what is converting right now in the marketplace, how to achieve massive EPC's and through analysis of pretty much every launch sales funnel... they know what makes the *perfect* KILLER offer.

So with that said, they feel this blend of automation and the precise easy to follow manual instruction will make Six Figure Renegade a hit with you.

What is Six Figure Renegade ?

Six Figure Renegade is a Software based Membership program with a Twist... Not only do It has the automated aspect that everyone is looking for right now, complete with training on how to use it... It also got 4 Major blueprints, which are time released over a 3 month period.

These will take you from even $0, so if you haven't made a red cent yet to earning over $100,000 a year online... The difference with this membership and product is that actually use the software on a day to day basis and have made close to $50,000 in these past few months of testing the $100 blueprint alone, so it really is exciting stuff that i'm looking forward to sharing with you.

Who Is Alex Shelton ?

For those of you that aren't familiar with him though, He's worked on launches such as Google Sniper, Traffic Ultimatum and his baby (4000 members strong) so be assured the sales funnel, rentention rates and whole launch process is defintetely a BIG winner.

Having 4 years under his belt as an internet marketer, He has slowly and surely built a solid and sustainable 6 figure a month business which is rapidly expanding.

He spend most of his time travelling the world (currently in thailand where the six fig hq will be!) whilst running his info marketing business.

For the Six figure Renegade launch He has planned an epic pre launch which all of you will love. It's full of content and not to mention He's rented out the 'million dollar' pad down in Phuket, Thailand to film the entire footage and sales video. It's going to be MIND blowing!

The pre launch itself is going to be including a ton of actionable content with a very 'baller' styled edge just to keep the audience entertained. He's going to be giving away software, reports, everything...

This was something He was actually pretty anxious about sharing in all honesty... He sunk $10,000 into this beast and actually only ever planned on using it in his own business.

Now after being told by his programmer it was going to cost at least another $8,000 to allow it to be used by multiple customers and HUGE bandwith costs per month, He thought it was just a bit too much of a pain... BUT if it was going to be of real benefit to the members, he'd do it!

So after rigorous testing by both my Programming and Quality Assurance team she's ready to rock! Traffic Tsunami is pretty much the ONE tool you'll ever need for Traffic Generation. PERIOD.

Click Here To Redeem Your Bonuses And Free Report Of Six Figure Renegade. Check it out..... :-)

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