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Save Time and Money with Insulated Plasterboard

Homes built before the 1920s often have "solid walls" while those built thereafter are distinguished by "cavity walls" or made with two layers and a gap in between. The gap serves to minimize heat flow through the wall thus containing more heat inside. If you own such a house, solid and un-insulated, then here is one piece of good news for you you can still have it insulated from outside or the inside.

Undeniably, it works better if your home is insulated from the inside. Insulated plasterboard is often entailed to accomplish this particular internal dry lining application. Insulated plasterboard is a sheet that allows thermal upgrading of existing walls that provides basic thermal insulation to both new and renovated homes and buildings.

There are two ways to insulate the inside of your home using stiff insulation boards or stud walls. You can use insulated plasterboard for each type but what you should remember about installing insulated boards is to have an expert to do it. While plastering insulated plasterboard does not require very complex equipments, the quality of installation will define the quality of insulation that you will get.

Insulated plasterboard can be used with solid walls as well as cavity masonry wall constructions and timber frame walls. Each insulated plasterboard is easy to handle and they are standard sized plasterboards thus, can be fixed using similar methods as how other insulated plasterboard are installed.

If you want to build a home that is energy proficient, then you need insulated plasterboards to perform the job. These boards do not permit heat to pass through the cavity walls which can be very expedient during the winter. It keeps you warm inside and does not require expensive equipment or installations to be performed.

So if you want to warm your home more efficiently, use less energy and leave minimal carbon footprints, then insulated plasterboard is your best bet.

For more information on insulated plasterboard, visit or call 0845-1133848.

Author Bio:

A computer professional who works on the internet helping Building Materials UK increase its viewers online. For the best deals in plasterboard please visit us online at

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