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subject: Trevo Review - Can Trevo Help You Make Money? [print this page]

Trevo Review - Can Trevo Help You Make Money?

Many people have been looking for new ways to make some extra income working from the comfort of their own home. Trevo may make that dream achievable with a product and opportunity they feel will entitle you to achieve your dreams as you live a healthy and prosperous life. In this Trevo review, I'll discuss the business and whether their opportunity can be as prosperous as they suggest.

The Company

Trevo was founded by Mark and Holli Stevens who have been popular for 16 years with their own network marketing company, and have experience as independent representatives of other MLM companies. Based in Oklahoma City, the company's mission is to empower, give back, renew and revive dreams with their nutritional beverage, and their opportunity.

The Product

The primary output of Trevo is a health-giving beverage formulated with over 174 nutraceuticals, including acai berries, Mangosteen, and other superfoods from across the globe. Trevo was designed to help our bodies by supporting active good health, increased energy, mental focus, weight management, anti-aging, cardiovascular and immune system health, among others. sold in 32 oz. bottles, the daily dose is 1 to 2 oz. per day and is safe enough for children as young as 2 years old. Trevo has an ORAC score of over 72,000 per bottle as certified by the Brunswick Laboratory ORAC Certification Program.

The Compensation Plan

Trevo incorporates a single-line matrix coverage system it claims is new to the industry, allowing you to benefit from others who join Trevo after you, regardless of what organization they are in. As a Trevo Life and Health Coach, you have 8 methods of compensation, each outlined below:

1. Retail Sales - Receive up to 40% commission on each bottle sold at $50 retail.

2. Power Start Systems - Cost is $150, $300, $450, $750 or $1,200 and includes 3, 6, 9, 15 and 24 bottles of product respectively. At the $300 entry point (or higher) you also receive Trevo's back office system which includes among other things a personal website, lead capture system and email campaign system. The maximum commission is 40% but is based on your qualifying level and the system the enrolle purchases.

3. Matching Bonuses - Up to 20% bonus.

4. Group Volume commissions - $10 for the 1st and 2nd generations of your group. $5 for remaining 3rd - 8th.

5. Bulk Pack commissions - Additional commissions based on bulk orders.

6. Pool Bonuses - Up to 15% of company's Group Volume.

7. Leadership Bonus - $1,500 a month towards a luxury car and trips.

8. Charity Bonus - Donations to your charity of choice in your name.

While there is a limit of 8 generations making up the depth of your organization, there is no limit to the width.

In my belief the Trevo company appears certain and their product looks good from a health and wellness standpoint. I have not seen any real Trevo scam reports or warnings. One should be able to have a cost effective with Trevo if they are willing to sell to family, friends and relatives and inspire others to join their team.

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