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subject: A third party review of Ashmax. What you won't hear elsewhere [print this page]

A third party review of AshmaxA third party review of Ashmax. What you won't hear elsewhere

Ashmax, a system that incorporates two seperate opportunities, Global Domains International as well as Freeway To Success was founded by Ash Mufareh. Ash, a leader in GDI joined the two products to create a worldwide income earning opportunity. Both GDI and FTS are licensed and reputable businesses for Network Marketers. So to create a unique platform where joining them seems like an interesting idea.

So what makes Ashmax different that the rest? In their matrix compensation plan, available slots are filled automatically when they become available, thus keeping the Matix from becoming unstable and falling apart.

So what is a matrix you ask?

In a compensation plan that involves a matrix, there are certain requirements that need fullfilled. If by chance the obligations are not met, the individual is traditionally removed from the matrix. Within your first 20 days after joining Ashmax, you are required to recruit 5 associates into the system. If not, you are removed from the system. You may think that this is harsh, but when you think about it, it's imperative for success. Network Marketing has a very high failure rate, 97% to be exact. That is because most people, believe it or not, join an opportunity with dreams of success but never do a single thing in regards to marketing or promoting their business. So by eliminating the "tire kickers" there is more chance of success for the indivuals that are serious about their business.

Now, to join Ashmax is free, but as I stated earlier, the system has joined GDI and FTS together. So, within 7 days of joining Ashmax you have to join GDI and FTS. One costs $10 and the other is $15. Then you have 20 days to get your five slots filled with like minded individuals that are looking to start a work from home business. Which when you think about it shouldn't be that difficult considering it's a simple $25 investment to get started. Most network marketing opportunities range anywhere between $200 to $1500 to join and then the mandatory monthly autoship is anywhere from $50 to $200 usually.

Your income through Ashmax will vary. Depending on the matrix (obviously some people will join and simply never do anything) and how long it takes to build your downline, you will more than likely start earning a few hundred dollars each month usually after 60 days or so. Ashmax claims that you can be making a $22,399 a month income after 100 days. While it is possible, it is more than likely not going to happen. In order for that to happen you would have to join and sign up your 5, then each of them would have to sign up their 5 and so on without ANYONE being pushed out of the matrix. Like I said, that would simply not happen. For every 10 people to sign up expect 2 to actually stay. Although those odds aren't great, don't let that discourage you. With only a $25 buy in, it should be relatively easy to recruit more associates. Once the downline becomes stable, meaning you have 5 solid people and each of your 5 have solid people and so on, then making that big money kicks in. Will it happen in 100 days? Not likely, but even if it took a year..So what? You're looking at a possible 250k+ annual income within a very short amount of time considering where you're probably at now.

Bottom line, Ashmax is legal as it's promoting 2 legitimate businesses that are registered with the FTC U.S. Government. Although it might not be for everyone, Ashmax certainly provides a person the opportunity to make a multiple six figure income annually without a college degree, or even a high school diploma.

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