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Fluhme Review - Who Is Tiffany Fluhme?
Fluhme Review - Who Is Tiffany Fluhme?

How It All Began

In November of 2009, an ex-physical assistant started her own cosmetics line. It turned into a home based business opportunity, and Fluhme immediately found herself at the helm of a growing network marketing opportunity.

But the woman behind the products is a much larger story. Fluhme's cosmetics line has grown out of significant events in her past, and she shares those experiences with others in her company to encourage all to get started with network marketing.

The real question, though, concerns Fluhme's marketing techniques. Does she share what it takes to be successful in the business? Can network marketers really succeed with her cosmetics line?

A Model-Turned-Businesswoman

Fluhme got a lot of attention in her teens and twenties. With a great complexion, she landed a variety of modeling and spokesperson jobs. But eventually, she decided to pursue another passion, and graduated school to become a physician's attendant.

She worked in plastic surgery offices, and after a few years finally decided to pursue yet another passion - cosmetics. She started developing her own line, "A Touch of Tiffany." As things grew, she finally decided to take the regional company, based out of Pennsylvania, and create a national MLM company. With her husband's support, she went for it.

Now Fluhme is one of the top new cosmetic MLM companies, and their products are known for quality. Many are made using old by-hand terra cotta techniques in Italy.

So the products are good, and Fluhme is certainly an expert in the cosmetics and business realms. But can reps really make money by selling these products at home parties?

Fluhme's Marketing Tactics

Fluhme encourages her reps to start their businesses by selling the products to their friends and family, and converting these people into their downlines. But the faulty methods in this technique are abundant. Family and friends will eventually dry up. It's just not a sustainable market.

Instead, it's beneficial for new network marketers to learn how to use the internet to create their own success. Imagine having people email you every single day to ask about your opportunity. Imagine creating free, warm leads. Adding 2-5 reps per day into your downline. Creating passive, residual income.

Learning Successful Techniques

These things can all be learned, and this type of success can also be achieved. It requires reps to be on top of their game. Hard work and frustrations lie ahead. But before joining an opportunity like Fluhme, think about the methods before diving into potential madness.

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