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Bid Cricket Review & Coupon Code
Bid Cricket Review & Coupon Code has a great coupon code which will save you some money. Currently, when you can get 10 free bids when you sign up using the coupon code link below:

Click Here to Get 10 Free Bids at

Bid Cricket Review: will help you save over 90 percent off retail items in many cases, if you know how to bid correctly. Instead of bidding for free at eBay, you pay for each bid, but the price only goes up a very small amount when someone places a bid, so the item will sell for much cheaper than normal.

This way, you will get televisions, computer, and iPads selling for around $15-$30, which is an enormous discount. To win, the time has to run out with you being the last person to bid. But when you bid, the timer adds a few seconds to the clock, so it can be a tricky game in order to win some of these products.

My first recommendation is to stock up on a lot of bids so you don't run out when you are getting close to winning. Also, I would recommend never bidding until the price of the item is twice as high as the price it sold for last time. Bidding to early will just waste your money, so forget about it and let others bid there bids away.

Also, try to pick an item that will end late into the night when everyone is going to bed. This way, you will have less competition when trying to win an item, especially big items like TV's.

If you employ the correct strategy and watch the auctions for awhile because bidding, you will start to learn the best ways to win these items. Once you figure out a system that works for you, you can get some great stuff for very cheap.

Check out right now and get ten free bids when you use the promo code link below:

Click Here to Get 10 Free Bids at

Enjoy the free bids and good luck at the auctions at Bid Cricket!

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