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Spring Cleaning? Don't Forget Your Colon

Spring Cleaning? Don't Forget Your Colon
Spring Cleaning? Don't Forget Your Colon

Live Better And Longer By Adding Cleanses To Your Health Habits

by Michael D. Hume, M.S.

Spring Cleaning? Don't Forget Your Colon

I've mentioned before that you need to keep your eye on your daily health habits. Why? Because the world is unstable right now, and you're going to need all the personal vitality and energy you can muster to deal with the challenges that lie ahead (and you can't rely on government medicine to take care of you). So make sure you're doing well with the five key daily habits I call The NEWSS: Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sleep, and Supplements.

Beyond those disciplines, though, you need to clean yourself out once in awhile. I have made a semi-annual fast-and-cleanse program part of my personal vitality program, and I've done a good colon cleanse at the beginning of Spring and Fall every year for the last several years. It's working great for me, and I recommend it to anyone who's serious about taking personal responsibility for his or her health.

Even if you're doing well with your daily health habits, toxins from our modern lifestyles are building up inside you all the time. These toxins tend to be stored in your digestive system; specifically, experts say people carry as much as 25 extra pounds of undigested waste in their colons, and it's a good bet you are carrying at least ten extra pounds there right now. A good cleansing program is the only way to defeat the long-term effects on your health of modern toxicity.

Find a licensed, reputable colon hydrotherapist and follow her instructions. Those instructions are likely to be close to what follows.

First, schedule your colonics. You want to pick a four-day period (minimum) when you can give your colon (and the rest of your digestive system) a much-needed break. This week, I'm doing my annual Spring cleanse, and I'm scheduled for colonics on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. It's best to shoot for about mid-morning, though it'll depend on your therapist's schedule.

Start fasting the day before your first colonic. This week, I said goodbye to solid food Sunday and have been on my juice fast since waking up Monday morning. Ideally, you want to buy organic fruit and vegetables and juice them fresh yourself at home; if you don't have time for that, go to a health-food store and get the freshest organic juices you can buy. Other things you can consume on the juice fast (and which really help) include fiber (such as psyllium husks), oil (like high-quality olive oil), and certain specific juices you can add to your other juices - the best are lemon juice and aloe vera juice. You can combine these things in ways that make good, tasty juices and soups and you'll find the "fasting" part of the cleanse won't be as tough as you might think.

Take supplements for energy. I like my high-quality liquid nutraceutical, as well as a product that distills resveratrol into a concentrate I can dilute to make a glass of healthy fake wine. Just before bed each evening, take two tablespoons of oil (straight) and a couple of aloe vera capsules. And after each colonic, take some acidophilus to help rebuild the beneficial probiotics in your system.
Spring Cleaning? Don't Forget Your Colon

Avoid alcohol, and carbonated beverages. You'll find out sooner or later, but gas is definitely your enemy when you're on the table for your colonic!

You'll feel amazing after you finish this program - and it's likely you'll lose at least five pounds. Your energy will be higher, and everything from your skin to your hair will look like you've just had some sort of extreme makeover.

I'm one of the fortunate entrepreneurs who is lucky enough to own a business and set my own schedule. If you're not as fortunate, you can still set up a very good schedule of cleansing over a weekend. Hey, it's only 3-4 days, twice a year (though you certainly can do more)... and the benefits are outstanding.

Live clean... you'll live better, and you'll live longer!

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