subject: Maximising Travel Time By Undertaking Maths Revision [print this page] Maximising Travel Time By Undertaking Maths Revision
All students that are studying towards GCSE exams understand the importance of securing a good grade in maths. The subject is held in high regard by all employers and educational establishments. This, combined with the fact that the subject can be quite a difficult one to grasp, means that cramming in as much maths revision as possible is a must. Read on to find out how you can squeeze in extra maths revision whilst on the move. Maximising your timeThe concept of undertaking extra maths revision whilst on the move relates primarily to when you are commuting to and from school on bus, train or in the car. We don't advocate trying to undertake revision whilst walking to school, as this significantly increases the likelihood of being involved in an accident. Whilst you journey may only take 10-15 minutes, using this time to study is better than nothing. Doing some revision on the way both to and from school will add up to a couple of hours over a week. Planning the workIn order to make good use of the travelling time it is imperative that you plan exactly what you will do each day, so that as soon as you sit down on your journey you can begin your maths revision. If you don't plan your revision carefully then you can often end up wasting a large portion of your travelling time deciding which topic to work on. Small portionsWhen planning what maths revision you will do on the move, make sure that you break the topic down into manageable portions. The BBC website is a great source for GCSE Maths revision materials and has specially designed 'bitesize' sections. Going through the topics that you need to revise and printing them off, before ordering them in a folder is a fantastic way of preparing so that you are ready to maximise use of your travelling time. Choosing the right seatIf you travel on public transport to school then it could well be that you encounter noise and disruption when trying to revise. Always try and choose a seat then is quiet, which usually means downstairs on a double-decker bus. Many people find that listening to music enables them to filter out distractions; so give your portable music device a try.
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