subject: How To Apply For A Tax Rebate if you are employed [print this page] How To Apply For A Tax Rebate if you are employed
If you suspect that you are due a tax refund but are not so sure on how you should proceed with the application process, then be my guest. Every year, millions of pounds go unclaimed by people who are actually supposed to claim that money. Despite the fact that a good number of people know that they are due a refund of a few pounds here and there but they simply choose to ignore, a lot of people do not really know that they are owed some good amount of money by the government.
The first thing that you should do if at all you would like to apply for a tax rebate is to lay your hands on one of the most common forms that taxpayers deal with: form P60. This is the form that you will be given by the employer at the end of your tax year, and it shows the amount of money that you have paid during the year in form of taxes, and it also shows the amount of money that you received during the year. Once you have this form, get a tax rebate calculator that relates to the UK taxation system, and then key in the amounts so that you can tell if there is any refund that is due. If you do not have the form P60 for one reason or another, ask your employer to supply you with your statement of earnings, which will more or less be able to serve the same purpose.
After you are fully aware of the amount that is due to you, attach your form P60 together with your application for a refund, and then send them to the Revenue and Customs. If possible however, it is advisable that you first send your documents to a tax professional who will be able to give you great services as they will easily tell you what to do and what not to do.
After you have sent your documents to the Revenue and Customs, just wait for them to get in touch with you and then you will be able to receive the information that you need. One thing that you need to keep in mind however is that the Revenue and Customs office usually receives a lot of application for refunds at this time of the year. It is therefore advisable that you apply for your rebate early enough so that you can get your money early.
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