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Finance Leads Buyers Need to Box Clever to Maximise Their ROI

Anyone that has ever purchased finance leads will know very well that in the vast majority of cases the leads are absolute garbage. Usually, the first batch you buy from a particular lead provider will be dynamite with a great conversion rate and you will be handing over your cash to the lead generators for more fresh leads without hesitation. However, when the second batch comes in and you only convert one or two of the loan leads, you will probably be thinking that you just got unlucky with these, or at least that's what the lead company will be reassuring you when you ring to ask for replacements. When the third, fourth and fifth purchases all turn out to be useless, the realisation that you have been stung yet again by another lead provider promising the earth will sink in.

There are some good lead generators out there if you are lucky enough to come across them, however the prices will usually be drastically higher. Do not be deterred! There are ways that you can eliminate the risk and virtually guarantee yourself a return on your investment every time, whichever lead provider you choose to purchase from The secret is to have enough products in your portfolio to offer, so that almost all finance leads that you purchase could potentially earn you a commission.

UKMS offers the chance for brokers and finance professionals to add many additional services to their locker so that if a lead comes through that does not meet the criteria for the product that the broker originally intended to sell, they can move on to selling something else. We give our introducers the chance to offer debt solutions services, mis-sold financial products services and much much more.

Therefore, the next time you purchase loan leads with the hope of converting them into unsecured loans, secured loans or a remortgage and your customer doesn't meet the criteria whatsoever, you can then assess the clients situation to see if they could benefit from the services UKMS offer! With the industry-leading commissions that UKMS pay for debt management cases, IVA's, mis-sold PPI claims and other products, you will always be making a great return on your purchased finance leads, whether they meet the criteria for the product you originally intended to sell or not.

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