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Midas Lettter Review and Coupon Discount
Midas Lettter Review and Coupon Discount

Midas Lettter Review and Coupon Discount.

Here is the Midas Lettter Coupon and Discount: Now, you can get Midas Lettter Coupon and Discount with the blow link, and the Coupon is from internet or official website, it is a good way that you can buy the cheap goods from Midas Lettter.

Get the Midas Lettter Coupon and Discount infomation...

About The Midas Lettter:

Egypt, Jordan, the spreading sovereign debt crisis, the United States' $14.3 TRILLION debt, and commodity price inflation all these factors are combining to create another astounding opportunity in gold and silver, and the companies that explore for and produce them, for investors like you and me.The current gold price correction is the best opportunity to come along in the new year, and smart investors are going to maximize leverage to the gold price by investing in juniors.

But its not easy. 95% of the companies out there are never going to put a mine into production, or make a discovery. You need to know who's got the "been there, done that" track record that indicates a strong chance of another win. MidasLetter's sole objective is to find these companies, and identify 5 of them each and every month, along with strategy and exit points.

I choose 5 stocks on the first Sunday of every month;

I divide my monthly investment allocation into five equal parts, and put one fifth into each of my selections;

When a stock doubles, I sell half the position. Then, I let the rest continue until either a) it drops more than 25% in any 5 consecutive sessions, or b) a major company takes it over; or c) I get bored of it cause it stops appreciating rapidly.

In general, I make my purchases 7 days after they are first featured in Midas Letter, and only sell them in the month following the issue in which I advise my subscribers of my intention to sell them. In this way, I avoid using my subscribers as my exit strategy. My goal is to put my subscribers' interests ahead of my own, and thereby ensure the value that I offer in this newsletter is exceptional.

I always direct 10% of my profits each month into gold and silver bullion as part of my capital preservation strategy. In this way, I grow rich, with zero risk of capital deterioration due to currency price fluctuation.

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It is my Midas Lettter Review, if you don't agree with me and you can post your review below.

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