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subject: Easiest to align TaylorMade Rossa Daytona Ghost Putter Review [print this page]

Easiest to align TaylorMade Rossa Daytona Ghost Putter Review

TaylorMade Golf is proud to announce the release of the putter that so many golfers have been asking for, the Rossa Daytona Ghost, a tour-proven blade that offers the familiar calming white color and high-contrast alignment cues of the now-famous Rossa Corza Ghost mallet putter. Like the Corza Ghost, the Rossa Daytonaon the super golf online shop Golf Club Irons was developed with significant input from the world's most sought-after putting instructor, TaylorMade Tour Staff professional Dave Stockton.

The first model in the Ghost Series, the Corza Ghost, has proven an instant success with consumers and Tour professionals worldwide, building massive momentum in the retail marketplace. In four months, the Corza Ghost's key achievements already include two PGA Tour victories by TMaG Tour Staff professional Justin Rose, first at the Memorial and again at the AT&T National. Corza Ghost has also fueled record-breaking growth for TaylorMade in the putter category; the brand's 13.1% putter dollar marketshare in July 2010 is the highest total in company history.

TaylorMade's goal with the Ghost design was simple: Design a putter that's easier to aim than any other. That's where the white head comes in. Ghost's "golf-ball white" color complements the white color of the ball, and also stands out easily and beautifully against green grass so you don't have to strain to see the topline. That takes the strain off your eyes and promotes a calm and confident state of mind, according to an expert in the field of color perception, who TaylorMade consulted during the development of the Ghost.

TaylorMade Rossa Daytona Ghost Putter Features:

>>Contrast of the white head against the green makes it easier to see the topline and target line.

>>Contrast of the three black alignment lines against the white crown makes it easier to aim.

>>Circular hole through the head works with the alignment lines and ball to make it easier to aim.

>>Two outer alignment lines are one ball-width apart, making it simple to align your ball with the center of the face to promote solid contact.

>>AGSI+ insert negates backspin, which can also promotes forwardspin for better roll.

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