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subject: The Benefits Of A Low-Fat Slow Cooker [print this page]

The Benefits Of A Low-Fat Slow Cooker
The Benefits Of A Low-Fat Slow Cooker

Many people are returning to using a low-fat slow cooker. And, with such an array of healthy slow cooker recipes available, it can be difficult to choose which to prepare. But, what are the real benefits of using a slow cooker?

It's Great for After a Hard Day's Work

It's not called a low-fat slow cooker for no reason: You can put it on in the morning and leave it to simmer. Then, in the evening, after a hard day's grind, you have a delicious meal waiting for you.

It's Ideal For Soups And Stocks

Due to the fact that it cooks at such a slow speed and that you simply place all the ingredients into it from the start, a slow cooker is perfect for making tasty soups. In a similar way, it's also great for creating delicious stocks.

It Means You Can Cut Down on Using Fat

Usually, you'll have to add liquid to a slow cooker, for example water or stock, but you don't need to add any fat. Even when cooking with meat, this will create its own juices in which to cook. This means you can create very healthy slow cooker meals.

It's Good for Tenderizing Cheap Meat

A lot of cheap cuts of meat can turn out tough when cooked. A slow cooker is able to braise and tenderize it, thereby saving you money on having to spend a fortune on an expensive ham hocks or pot roasts.

It Uses Less Energy Than a Stove

This may seem strange due to the fact that you can leave a low-fat slow cooker on for a day, but it only takes about 200 watts to run, as opposed to an oven, which uses approximately 3,000 watts. Amazingly, after leaving a slow cooker on for 8 hours, it still only uses half the electricity an oven would within an hour.

It Frees Up Space

It's ideal for when you need to cook a large meal or for a lot of people. A low-fat slow cooker allows you to keep parts of your meal warm, for example vegetables, thereby affording you more room in your oven for other parts of your feast.

It's Quicker to Clean Up

As you're only using one dish, you can save a lot of time and effort when washing up. This also makes a slow cooker the ecological method of cooking because you need to use less water.

A low-fat slow cooker is a great way of cooking. You create a multitude of healthy slow cooker recipes and save yourself time and effort.

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