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Fyi Spy Review-Fyi Spy Scam
Fyi Spy Review-Fyi Spy Scam

When you need to know the truth about someone's Internet use, FYI-SPY can help. A password-protected software program, FYI-SPY is your personal private investigator, running silently, secretly, while your computer is in use.

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Worried the computer whiz will find out you are monitoring? Even the most tech-savvy user won't know the program is working behind the scenes, scrutinizing and recording each and every keystroke and website visited. FYI-SPY's stealthy format means only you will know it is installed and running.

How can FYI-SPY protect your family or relationship?

In a day where the anonymity of the Internet world breeds temptation for infidelity and dishonesty, it is possible to identify problematic behavior and stop it before it's too late. Whether the issue is online dating, gambling, chat rooms, or pornography, studies reveal that people begin with harmless activities and then venture into more dangerous territories that can put your relationship at risk.

Let FYI-SPY help you before things get worse.

The program is designed to clue you in on what's happening on your computer when you are not around. FYI-SPY becomes your private investigator, effortlessly monitoring everything that takes place on a PC and the Internet. Imagine the information you can gather! Here are just a few of the items you will monitor with the help of FYI-SPY:Grab A Copy Click here


* email

* websites visited

* downloads

* keystrokes

* chat rooms

* instant message conversations

FYI-SPY is a program that acts like your very own personal computer security guard, viewing everything that takes place on your computer when you are not around. FYI-SPY installs quickly and allows you to record a wide range of activities that take place on your computer.

FYI-SPY works invisibly in the background of your computer.No one will know you have access to their Internet activities, even the most advanced computer users cannot detect FYI-SPY.

With FYI-SPY you are in complete control to:

FYI-SPY includes the BEST key logger available, saving keystrokes by application as well as by date and time.

With FYI-SPY you will know what was typed, and where and when it was typed.

FYI-SPY records every program (or piece of software) run on your computer. Whether it is Internet applications or word processing documents.

For each program that is run on your computer, FYI-SPY will record the name of the program and when the program was used.

FYI-SPY always monitors web pages that are accessed on the computer and saves a chronological record for your review.

FYI-SPY screen snapshot recording allows you to see not only what your children and employees do on the PC and Internet but the EXACT order in which they do it, step by step.

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