subject: Your Options Are Incredible With Different Types of Online Degrees! [print this page] Your Options Are Incredible With Different Types of Online Degrees!
As soon as you come out of the high school, you are confronted with several degree programs. Degrees are of several types and are pursued at different level. These degrees are absolutely necessary to for career advancement and finding a respectable job in the future.
Fresh from high school, there two types of degrees awaiting you. One type is the bachelor's degree and second is an associate degree. A bachelor's degree is again of two types - namely, bachelors of Arts and bachelors of Science. Bachelor's of arts consists of program in liberal arts and fine arts. Whereas students who have chosen programs such as math, life science, physical science, engineering, and agriculture would receive a bachelor's of science degree.
A bachelor's degree consists of a coursework of four-year duration. It is a full time course and every student majors in a particular subject from towards the completion of the second year. Earning a bachelor's degree in a private college in US is considered prestigious. The cost of earning a bachelor's degree can also cut down with the financial aid from various sources - private and government. Most Federal grants are free and you need not repay them. Even private student loans come at a lower rate of interest.
For those students who cannot afford to earn a bachelor's degree and who fail to get financial aid, they can pursue another type of degree called associate degree. An associate degree is often offered at government-run community colleges or at a vocational school. They take a minimum of one year and a maximum of two years to get completed. The coursework is similar to tat of bachelor's degree, which requires general education, electives, and major work. An associate degree is often pursued by students to cut down of education cost. Having completed two years doing an associate degree, they move on to a private and stay there for another two year to complete their bachelor's degree.
Having obtained a bachelor's degree, the next step is to earn a master's degree. This type of degree is more specialized than a bachelor's degree. The coursework is such that it allows the students to concentrate on a specific subject and field. In order to receive a master's degree, students may have to write a 100-150 page thesis or take a lengthy exam.
The last type of degree is the doctorate degree, which is the highest degree awarded. This can be obtained after receiving master's degrees. The length of this program may vary according the students credentials and his level of dedication.
Considering an online degree? All the above types of degree programs can also be pursued through online education. There are certain benefits of pursuing degree online. First, education cost is drastically cut down. Secondly, you do not need to travel to college and can take lessons at the comfort of your home. Thirdly, online degree programs can be self-paced. You can either speed up or put a brake depending on your convenience. Fourthly, there are no geographical limitations in online education. Since it is a distance-learning program, you need not attend classes. You only need to have access to Internet.
Most colleges and university cater to education online offering bachelor's degree and associate degree. Some of them also offer master's degree and doctorate degree online.
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