subject: How to protect your teeth with fluor based toothpastes [print this page] How to protect your teeth with fluor based toothpastes
Fluorine is one of the most plentiful and widely available elements in the world. It has numerous benefits that can help prevent and treat tooth decay in patients belonging to all age groups. Due to this reason in 1945, the government of the United States decided to add fluoride in their publicly supplied water in order to protect the US citizens from tooth decaying problems. The US government's decision turned out to be revolutionary and slashed medical bills of US citizens by $ 50 on an average. Fluoride not just helps to prevent the problems of tooth decay, but also benefits our health in a number of other ways.
Other than consuming fluoridated water, using fluor-based toothpastes is also beneficial for our health. Almost everyone who has seen a toothpaste advertisement knows thatfluoride is the element that helps fight against tooth decay, but at the same time, excessive use of fluoride can be harmful for our health. A recent survey has revealed the exact proportion of fluor required in the toothpastes for children. To prevent cavities at the optimum level in children aged over 6 years, their toothpastes should have a minimum of 1,000 parts per million offluoride. The prevention of cavities through fluor-based toothpastes helps to minimize the need for long and expensive dental treatments, including teeth extractions.
The regular use of fluor-based toothpastes helps to re-mineralize the structure for our teeth, which will in turn help to treat the decayed parts of our tooth that have been formed due to acids. The prevented decayed parts of our teeth form a hard protective layer and prevent from harmful elements until the consumption of sugar is increased.
Using fluor toothpastes also helps to increase the strength and create a stronger structure of the bones forming the foundation of our teeth. Thus, it is important to have a systematic consumption of fluoride by not only brushing your teeth with fluor-based toothpastes, but also by consuming tap water.
Regular use of fluor-based toothpastes also helps to build a stronger internal foundation of your teeth by making the tooth nerves stronger and harder. The fluoride also helps to invalidate the function of the germs in plaque that form on your teeth due to the consumption of sugar.
Thus, it is evident that using toothpastes that have fluor in them helps to protect our teeth significantly. While it is best to consume fluoridated water for internal balance of our health, fluor-based toothpastes also protect our teeth from the effects of cavities and tooth decay. Thus, when you visit the store to buy toothpaste for you and your family, make sure that you buy one containing fluor in order to ensure the long-term oral health, especially if you have children in the house.
Visit this web page to read about some of the biggest myths and most interesting facts about fluor. To read even more about the benefits of fluor, go here.
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