subject: The First Black-American US President [print this page] The First Black-American US President The First Black-American US President
I made an exception this time with this piece, because of the extraordinary circumstances in the political arena that have unfolded in recent years.
I have to admit, that I do not follow politics as I should, because I've been turned off by the scandals and corruption in politics, etc. And, of all the self-serving politicians that have let me down over the years, was Richard Nixon, when I voted for him in 1972. "Politics...when I'm in it...makes me sick." William Howard Taft
Recently, I read an article that said...YES...we will have a woman President of the United States...and it will come about because of the Internet. It will allow her to raise the kind of money she will need to run for President of the United States. The article made no mention of a Black-American President.
Barrack Obama, must have read the same article, because I think a big reason why he won the Presidency, was the wise and effective use of the Internet to raise money he needed to stay in the race, etc.
"America can be described in one word...freedom!" Dwight D. Eisenhower
On the other hand, Hillary Clinton went after corporate donations, which have a cap, and she quickly ran out of money! She had to loan herself millions of dollars to stay in the race. I think several reasons why Hillary Clinton lost the race are as follows;
1) I saw an interview of her in late 2007, whereby, in her arrogance, she proclaimed that the race would be over by the middle of February, 2008. That was about the time of the Super Tuesday, whereby more than a dozen states hold their primaries...and she said she didn't have to prepare for after that date, because the race would be over!
2) All along the way, Bill Clinton, has put his "foot in his mouth" several times during the campaign, and this has helped her to lose the race. I think she would have done better without him.
3) In-fighting in the campaign, in which several high-level people left the campaign. This is not good for organizational purposes and the morale of the volunteers/employees, etc.
4) Because Hillary Clinton is a former first lady and Bill Clinton is a former President, I really believe they thought they could dance right into the White House for another term! The American people said, "NO!"
"He who serves his party best...serves his country best." Rutheford B. Hayes
It was the wise and effective use of the Internet, that propelled Barrack Obama to victory...collecting small amounts of money from millions of people on the Internet, which allowed him to stay in the race, and eventually win it. During the primaries, he collected record-braking amounts of money, and he did it one dollar at a time via the Internet!
I remember several years ago, Elizabeth Dole ran for the Presidency and she soon ran out of money, and had to drop out of the race. If Elizabeth Dole and Hillary Clinton had used the Internet in an effective way, the way Barrack Obama did, their campaigns might have been more successful.
Coming out of obscurity from the state of Illinois, Barrack Obama used the Internet to his advantage to, not only raise an incredible amount of money, but to get known by the American people, and to get his message across, etc.
"The only thing we have to fear itself." Franklin D. Roosevelt
Most of us have not been familiar with Barrack Obama, and one of the first things I noticed about him was his self-confidence...with a "can-do" attitude! He looks like he's very confident about his abilities, and I think he WOWed Americans and people around the world with his positive attitude, etc. Take a look at this fact...the Clinton's ruled and owned the Democratic Party for years...and Barrack Obama rolled over them, and left them in the dust, as he went on to win the Presidency!
Q. The issue of experience for Barrack Obama?
A. My only answer to the experience factor, is that George W. was given a second term by the American people, and look what happened...a paltry 22% approval rating by the American people at the end of his second term, etc. At this point, George W. had already had four years as President of the United States...and look what happened...the lowest approval rating in history!
Q. So, who is responsible for the mess at hand?
A. The American people (who voted for George W.) have to share responsibility, because they have him a second term. It can be no other way.
Unlike the 60's, when American's raised hell all over the place,..there was not a whisper out of the American public in 2007-2009 when everything began to fall apart, etc. Experience (or lack thereof) will always be a factor in politics for certain...but Barrack Obama is smart and educated! He also has enormous confidence in himself,etc.
"You can fool all of the people some of the time and you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time." Abraham Lincoln
I think what his confidence shows is...HOPE for the American people! Hope for a better tomorrow! American's have not had a lot of hope in the last few years. And, with the ratings of the do-nothing U.S. Congress at an all-time low in history, so many American's have been lacking in hope for the future. Of course, only time will tell, how Barrack Obama handles his Presidency. But, if he handles the Presidency like he handled his campaign...he could be one of America's great Presidents!
* * *
January 23, 2009: The first report card in in for Barrack Obama in his first week as President, and the approval rate by the American people is at 68%, which is 4 points shy of mark of President Kennedy, but higher than the other Presidents since that time. This is the honeymoon season, and the honeymoon will be over soon!
OBSERVATION(S) It is said that a picture is worth 1,000 words, and I got a sneak-peek at the first Cabinet meeting of Barrack Obama, and it showed many faces sitting around the table. There were looks of surprise; uncertainty; doubt; resentment; amazement; disdain; nervousness; curious and so forth. It's now a reversal of things, as White folks have to take orders from a Black man, etc. For those of us who remember the turbulent and violent 1960's, where Blacks were repressed and beaten...this picture I saw of the Cabinet, was certainly awkward! Change doesn't come easy...but Barrack Obama got the mandate from the American people, and that's all that matters.
My advice to American's everywhere, is to put your pettiness aside (if any); put your hatred aside (if any)...and ALL American's have to work together. Republicans; Democrats; Whites; Blacks; Hispanics; Asians; Native American's...and ALL other PROUD Americans...because if the financial melt-down is as serious as I think it is...the Great Depression will seem like small potatoes!
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