subject: Get Your Finances Back Under Control With Credit Debt Consolidation [print this page] There are many reasons to reduce your debtThere are many reasons to reduce your debt. Perhaps your monthly payments are bigger than you can handle. Maybe the stress of having so many bills just isnt worth it anymore. Or maybe you just want to take back control of your finances. Regardless of your reasons, this is a great time to get started. There are many tools you can use to start the process. One good method is to take advantage of credit debt consolidation. A well designed credit debt consolidation program will help you turn that stack of monthly bills in to one manageable payment.
The basic credit debt consolidation methods are mortgage refinancing with cash out, home equity loans, personal loans, and credit card balance transfer. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. Mortgage refinancing and home equity loans are best suited for home owners with equity in their home. Personal loans are most practical for people whose credit is still relatively strong and credit card balance transfers work best if your debt load is not exceptionally high.
Before you get started with credit debt consolidation you should make up your mind that you are serious about changing your spending habits. Chances are you wound up with all those credit card bills because you spent more than you brought in. While credit debt consolidation can help get your monthly payments under control, it cant do all the work for you.
That said, you can get started on your road to getting rid of debt by taking a hard look at what you owe. Create a comprehensive inventory of what you owe, the interest rates on your debt, and what your income is. Be honest with yourself and include all your monthly expenses. This will help you determine how much you need to borrow and at what interest rate.
Once your inventory is complete and you know where you stand financially you are ready to start shopping for credit debt consolidation loans. The best benchmark for the initial screening is the interest rate. You will probably be surprised by how much interest rates can vary from loan to loan. You can narrow down you list fairly quickly as you evaluate the available loans against the payments you already have. You will want to remember to keep other costs besides interest in mind as well. This is particularly the case if you are considering mortgage loans for your credit debt consolidation. These types of loans carry a number of fees such as origination and points.
No matter what financing tool you end up with, you need to consistently remind yourself of your goalto reduce your debt. Once your loan is in place and you have pared your monthly payments down using credit debt consolidation, you need to keep your disciplined spending constantly in mind. It can be easy to take your new lower monthly payment for granted and once again spend a little more than you should. If you can avoid this temptation they you will begin to see your debt load shrink month by month. In no time at all you can find yourself debt free and back in control of your finances.
by: David Nalin
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