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How I Started A Home Based Business Last Week And YOU Can Too!

How I Started A Home Based Business Last Week And YOU Can Too!

The title says it all: How I Started A Home Based Business Last Week And YOU Can Too!

I decided that the time had come for me to have my own home-based business, and that I wanted to start using my talents to be an entrepreneur and not have to be a slave for anyone else, anymore!I spent a short while reading and researching online, and read a variety of things, and used websites such as where they have millions of great articles!

How I Started A Home Based Business Last Week And YOU Can Too!

Then the first thing I did, was to get hooked-up with a Free PayPal Account because I knew I needed a way for people to pay me online, no matter what type of business that I chose! You need a PayPal account as well, if you do not have one yet!

Then I decided that I wanted to have my own website, but I chose not to go to a place such as GoDaddy and build my own simple website, even though it is simple to do and it costs very little. I opted for getting involved with a company that sells wholesale merchandise and does drop shipping which means that when I have customers, I can place the orders and pay my wholesale prices, and they will ship the items via UPS directly to my customers, for me!

So, I got a ready-made website, and bought my own domain name, and I am calling it and I invite YOU to take a look at it! I also decided to get hooked up with more than one wholesaler, that way, I can add new products on a regular basis, and the website can grow and evolve!

How I Started A Home Based Business Last Week And YOU Can Too!

Then I decided to expand a step farther, in terms of selling merchandise, not just at retail or sale prices, but also at wholesale small quantities...for people who might not have a business or the ability to buy wholesale elsewhere...let me explain...

Let's say you're a college girl, or guy, and you don't want to be a slave at a job while at school, but you want to earn some extra spending money. Maybe you got a scholarship or perhaps Mom & Dad are footing the bill, but you need money for pizza, beer, movies and such...

You wish there was a way that you could get your hands on some wholesale merchandise because you just know that you could peddle it to your fellow students...for example...Self-Defense Pepper Sprays would go over big on your campus, but you don't have a "business" or any documentation, or the ability to place a minimum order, as many wholesalers require...well, I can help you!

I am willing to sell at wholesale, but in smaller quantities, to ordinary people who might like to re-sell the items for a cash profit! Isn't that awesome?

So, there is part of my story, about becoming self-employed, and I know I won't earn enough to live on, the first few months, but that will change, and Thank God for the Income Tax Refund...that will carry me for a while!

So, I hope YOU can get motivated to do something, because you can do it if you put your mind to it! In the meantime, I would love to have you as a customer!

Choose Happiness & Success!

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