subject: Boy or Girl - Choose The Gender of Your Baby Before Conception - Boy or Girl [print this page] Boy or Girl - Choose The Gender of Your Baby Before Conception - Boy or Girl
Many different techniques for conceiving a baby girl (or boy!) have been around for a long while. From old wives tales to ancient herbal remedies, the human race has long sought to figure out mother nature's secrets when it comes to whether or not you'll give birth to a male or female child. But the good news? We live in the 21st century. We have extensive data and scientific analysis of all different methods that have finally and definitively proven how you can go about giving birth to the sex of your choice. These methods are quantifiable, with some of them producing over a 95% success rate!
If you want to know exactly how to choose the sex of your baby, the following information will guide you. These natural gender selection techniques are only some of the methods you can use to have either a son or daughter:
X Sperm and Y Sperm - Before we begin, you'll need to understand that your baby's gender is determined by the father. After ejaculation, millions upon millions of sperm swim through the birth canal toward the mother-to-be's unfertilized egg. Half of them contain an X (female) chromosome, and half contain a Y (male). The one who reaches the egg first will determine the sex of your child.
Major Differences Between X and Y - After decades of study, science has yielded two simple facts that are important to the process of conception. One, that the male sperm swim faster than the female sperm. This would seem to skew the world's population in favor of males, right? Yet that figure is split pretty much 50/50, right down the middle. And this is because of the second fact: female sperm are heartier, and die less quickly, than male sperm. In short, the Y-sperm are sprinters while the X-sperm are long distance runners.
The Shettles Method - It was Dr. Shettles who first suggest using the above information to influence the gender selection process. By carefully considering a woman's menstrual cycle, Shettles pointed out that the closer to her ovulation date intercourse occurred, the better the chances of having a baby boy. This is because the sperm and egg are physically closer, allowing for those Y-chromosome sperm to beat out the X-sperm. But the further away (either 2 days before or after) from that moment of ovulation? The better the chances for having a female child. This is because the X-sperm would outlast the Y-sperm as they travel an extra long distance through the reproductive tract. By knowing the exact date (and even the time!) of ovulation, couples could plan intercourse to help conceive a baby girl or a baby boy, depending upon what they wanted.
A Woman's pH Balance - While trying to have a baby, a woman's body will receive millions of sperm each time ejaculation occurs. These microscopic swimmers can live inside the womb for up to two to three days or more, but how they finally perish is determined by a variety of different factors. The pH of the reproductive tract is one of the big ones. A lower pH results in higher levels of acidity, which can kill sperm. And since X-sperm have more constitution than Y-sperm, an acidic pH will result in greatly increasing the chance of having a girl... simply because the ratio of X to Y sperm will favor a female child. Conversely, a high pH results in a more alkaline environment, which allows the faster Y-sperm population to thrive. As a woman, knowing and modifying your body's pH levels can be a huge asset to helping choose the gender of your baby.
Diet and Conception - There are certain dietary changes you can make in order to influence the sex of your child. It's been proven that dairy products and foods high in sodium (salt) will help increase the chances of having a boy. Eating lots of calories, avoiding spicy foods (because they raise acidity levels - see above!), and including extra helpings of cereals and grains are also good for having a boy. Eating a more protein rich diet can tilt the scales toward conceiving a girl. There are many other dietary factors that influence whether you have a male or female child, and these should be learned and followed closely to ensure the best chances for success.
Things The Male Partner Can Do To Influence Baby Gender - Just as there are factors the mother-to-be can control in order to influence baby gender, there are things dad can do too. While the male diet doesn't matter nearly as much as that of his partner, drinking a cup or two of caffeinated coffee right before intercourse (20 to 30 minutes prior) can increase the odds of conceiving a boy. The added caffeine levels give the man's sperm a speed-boost... and with the Y-sperm already fast swimmers it helps add to the chances that fertilization will occur that favors a boy. Another huge factor? Wearing boxers or briefs. It's been proven that briefs keep the testicles unnaturally close to the body, where higher temperatures will kill off more sperm. And since the female X-sperm are heartier than the Y-sperm? You're unknowingly creating an environment that favors having a girl. Boxer shorts allow the testes to remain at more natural temperatures, and this doesn't happen. So to sum it up: Wear boxers if you want to have a boy, and wear briefs if you're trying for a girl baby. Boxers also help improve sperm count overall, if you're having trouble conceiving.
Intercourse To Determine The Sex of Baby - One of the most proactive ways you can determine baby gender before conception? Choosing the right sexual positions. Since the X-sperm are fast-swimming sprinters that tire easily, you'll need to deposit them as close to the egg as possible if you want to have a boy. This means using any positions that result in deep penetration, such as the man entering the woman from behind. More shallow penetration will result in a longer distance through the reproductive tract, which favors having a girl. There are many other things to consider during sex, such as post-coital positioning and even using gravity to help determine the sex of your baby... it's best to read up on these techniques in order to better the chances for having the baby of your choice.
The Female Orgasm - Finally, it's actually been proven that if the female partner achieves orgasm during sex, the better the chances of conceiving a baby boy. There are two reasons for this. First, the orgasm itself causes the interior vaginal muscles to contract. This pulls the man's semen closer to the cervix and up into the reproductive canal, and the shortened distance favors a male conception. Second, the endorphins released by achieving an orgasm have an alkaline affect on your body. This raises your pH level, which is also conducive to Y-sperm.
The techniques you see above are only some of the things you can do to increase the odds of having the baby of your choice. Getting as much knowledge as possible is the key to success. For more information, check out these other natural gender selection methods!
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