subject: Tourists Flights Using Scheduled & Private Charter To Samburu|Shaba|Nanyuki|Joys Camp|Loisaba|Kitich|Meru|Aberdares|Mt Kenya In Kenya [print this page] Tourists Flights Using Scheduled & Private Charter To Samburu|Shaba|Nanyuki|Joys Camp|Loisaba|Kitich|Meru|Aberdares|Mt Kenya In Kenya
Samburu Game Reserve is situated in Eastern Province where it is bordered by Shaba Game Reserve and Joys Camp and in the Mount Kenya Region where it is bordered by Meru National Park with the famous Elsa Kojpe camp, and in Central ,Loisaba a private exclusive camp,Kitich a private exclusive camp all in Laikipia ranch.In Nanyuki it serves the famous Sweet Waters,Outspan,Mt Kenya, The Aberdares.In Samburu Game Reserve you will find hotel chains like Samburu Serena,Sarova Shaba,Samburu intrepid owned by Heritage hotels,Sopa Samburu,Samburu Lansens & Samburu Lodge operated by Kenya Hotels Wildlife,Simba Samburu operated by Simba Lodges. All scheduled flights to Samburu,Shaba and Joys Camp the passengers alights at Samburu Buffalo Springs and for private charters of 3 or 5 passengers you can land at Shaba as the airstrip can not accommodate any take off or landing of an aircraft with more than 5 passengers due to safety aspects. Scheduled Flights to Sweet Waters, Outspan and Aberdares and Kitich will land at Nanyuki whereas there is scheduled flight to Loisaba put depending with the number of passengers and incase the flights drops at Loisaba the passengers for Kitich can land at Loisaba.Out of Samburu to Nanyuki, Loisaba, Aberdares, Kitich, Sweet waters, Out Span you can hire private charters for scenic, sight seeing, aerial survey & photography and filming flights which are available on request. Be advised during high season Mid June to end of October if you do not book your flights or accommodation three month in advance you will not be able to secure accommodation or flights as during this period there is wildebeest immigration from Serengeti in Tanzania to Maasai Mara in Kenya. There are also scheduled flights From Nanyuki,Meru,Shaba,Samburu,Joys Camp to Maasai Mara direct once daily during late mornings.
There is many bird species,mammals,reptiles,insect,flowers,trees that tourists will see while on tour to Samburu,Nanyuki,Shaba,Loisaba,Kitich,Sweet Waters,OutSpan,Aberdares.We will describe a few bird species, Reptiles and Mammals that the tourists will see when on safari .Below find the birds, mammals, trees and reptiles that tourist will see in these areas and their description,
Palm Nut Vulture. A bird of coastal forests and savannah woodlands, feeding on oil palms and assorted fruits as well as fish and amphibians. Will feed on meat occasionally, comes regularly to the leopard bait put out at Samburu Lodge in North Eastern Kenya. The head, neck, breast, belly and wing converts are white. The scapulars and secondaries are black and the primary wing feathers white tipped with black. The tail is black and has a white tip. The orange-yellow eyes are surrounded by patches of bright orange-red unfeathered skin; a similar patch is present on the chin. The legs and feet are flesh pink. The sexes are alike.Resident.Size:70cm.
Black-Capped Social Weaver. As its name suggests this is a very social species, nesting in large colonies in acacia trees. They inhabit dry, open bush country and are particularly common in Samburu Game Reserve in Kenya. The head, including the chin and throat black, the breast and flanks are rich dark chestnut and the belly and under parts are yellow. The mantle and back are bright yellow, the wings and tail are olive brown narrowly edged with yellow. The female is olive yellow above with a variable amount of darker streaking, while below the breast is yellow becoming paler, almost white, on the belly and underparts.The eyes are crimson red, the bill, legs and feet are black.Resident.Size:15cm
Reticulated Giraffe. A sub-species of Maasai Giraffe. The coat pattern of this sub-species is very striking.Crisp, liver-coloured geometric patches, conspicuously defined by narrow white lines running between them, produces a crazy paving appearance. These markings become paler on the inner flanks, legs and underparts.The coat colour of the male has a tendency to darken with age. Females are smaller than males.A distribution overlap brings Reticulated Giraffes into contact with Maasai Giraffes resulting in a variety of hybrid types within certain areas. An inhabitant of dry bush country in north-eastern Kenya, particularly in Samburu Game Reserve, and into Somalia.
Beisa Oryx. A large elegant and very distinctive antelope, with a short coat of grey-fawn, black horizontal stripe running across the lower flank and black bands around the forelegs just above the knee joints. The facial markings are very conspicuous; a broad black stripe runs down the side of the face through the eye, from the base of the extremely long, thin horns to the lower cheek. The forehead has a black patch as does the upper muzzle. The hair on the lower muzzle is white, contrasting strongly with the black nostrils. A black line extends under the chin and around the upper throat from ear to ear. A thin black stripe extends down the centre of the neck from the throat to the chest and from the back of the neck along the spine to the root of the tail. The tail is long and horse-like, consisting of black hair. The parallel horns, which are carried by both sexes, are almost straight with a slight backward slant and can grow to a20cm in length. Another race of oryx, the Fringe-eared (Oryx gazelle callotis) occurs in some regions and can be distinguished by a browner coat, slightly heavier build and tufts of long black hair on the points of the ears.
A true desert species of dry arid regions with sparse bush cover and open areas of savannah. They feed mainly on grasses but will also browse trees and bushes. When water is available they will drink daily but they are capable of surviving for long periods without drinking. They are active throughout the day but generally seek shade during the midday period. They are to be found in herds numbering from 6-40 or more. Females seek isolation from the main herd in order to give birth, returning 2-3 weeks later along with newborn. When under threat from predators they will usually flee, but will sometimes present a spirited defence, lowering the head they often inflict serious and sometimes fatal injuries upon their attacker with their spear-like horns.
Lion. The largest and most powerful of East Africa's cats. The head is very broad with a short muzzle and small, rounded ears, the backs of which are black. The coat, with the exception of the mane, is very short, the ground colour being a sandy yellow often with faint spots, which are particularly noticeable in younger animals. The mane, which is only present on the males, is variable in colour from pale buff to black and covers the neck and shoulders. A full mane may take up to 6 years to develop.
An animal of open savannahs, grassy plains and lightly wooded areas. They are unusual among cats in being very social, living in prides of 30 or more individuals. Lions are inactive for much of the day, often resting for up to 20 hours in the shade of trees and bushes. Their sight and smell are good and their hearing is exceptionally keen. Lions will hunt singly, in pairs or in large prides and, as a rule, the more lions taking part the larger the prey species. Primarily the lionesses who secure around 80% of the prides food requirement undertake the hunting. Lions will also scavenge whenever the opportunity arises. Although capable of running at speeds of up to 60 km/h lions have little stamina and give up most chases if they are not successful within 200m.On the plains of the Serengeti in Tanzania, many of the prides seem less territorial than in other areas, often following herds of plains animals on their annual migrations.
Whistling Acacia. An abundant small bush armed with long white spines and adorned with blackish galls the size of small golf balls. The galls, each of which has several small holes leading to its hollow centre, are inhabited by colonies of aggressive crematogaster ants, which form a mutually beneficial partnership with the acacia. The bush offers housing for the ants by way of the galls and the ants provide protection for the acacia by swarming over any browsing animal and inflicting unpleasant bites to the lips and tongue. Despite the presence of the ants and the sharp spines, Giraffes often browse unconcerned at least for a few minutes until the ants begin to bite home, thereby encouraging the individual to move on elsewhere.
Nile crocodile. A species that hardly requires a detailed description, being found in rivers and lakes over much of the region. They can grow to over 6m in length. The Nile crocodile, being mainly nocturnal, spends much of the day submerged in water, between bouts of basking on sand bars and riverbanks. They are highly adapted predators feeding on water dwelling creatures as well as land based mammals which they capture by lying motionless at the edge of water holes, or by floating like a drifting log until they are within striking distance. Females lay hard-shelled eggs in a bank side nest which they guard jealously to protect the eggs from predators. When the young are ready to emerge they utter squeaking noises which stimulates the female to open up the nest and help the young into the water, often by carrying them in her mouth. The young at this stage are about 30cm in length and are able to fend for they immediately, feeding in the shallows on insects, tadpoles, frogs and fish, but at all times keeping themselves had hidden from possible predators. They grow at a rate of about 30cm a year during the first few years of life, the rate of growth decreases in later years to a matter of centimeter of two. Not a great deal is known about the longevity of Nile Crocodile in the wild, but it has been suggested that full grown specimens of 6m or so are probably in the region of a hundred years. Males do not become sexually active until they have grown to around 3m in length.
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