subject: Different Types Of Teeth Replacement Methods [print this page] Different Types Of Teeth Replacement Methods
One of the major problems that can initiate the need to turn to a cosmetic dentist is tooth loss. Age issues, tooth damage, severe malnutrition or genetic disorders often lead to severe teeth loss. Teeth loss can change the facial appearance of a person to a considerable extent. Not only physical appearance, an individual's personality and self-confidence suffer too. Missing tooth can make a person pretty conscious while smiling in front of others. Thanks to cosmetic dentistry, these problems can be effectively dealt with now. Teeth replacement methods can be very helpful in improving the facial appearance of a person. There are several types of teeth replacement methods, depending on the types of tooth damage. Some of the most preferred tooth replacement options have been described as follows: Dental implant Dental implant is a most preferred tooth replacement method. In this process, a screw is placed in the jaw bone at the juncture where a tooth is missing. The healing process takes around three months. After that a cap or crown is attached to the screw. The implant is generally attached to the underlying bone in the mouth and not with any surrounding tooth, so there are lesser chances of any subsequent dental problems. Fixed bridges A fixed bridge is another option for tooth replacement. It offers permanent tooth restoration. The technique involves drilling of the enamel of an adjacent tooth to take impressions and to build a permanent bridge at the location where the tooth is missing.
Bonded bridges This is a temporary tooth restoration method that can last for a year or even ten years, depending upon the quality of bridges opted for. The impression of an adjacent tooth is taken first. The bridge is built on the side of the tooth that touches the tongue. Missing tooth can cause a great deal of dilemma for a person as it imparts an ugly appearance. In this world full of people who are conscious about the way they look to the others, teeth replacement methods are very helpful. If done properly, they can help a person restore their normal facial look, without any chance of oral infection. If you are dealing with missing teeth issues, you must opt for methods of teeth replacement. Orland Park IL has several renowned dental health care centers that offer professional cosmetic dental surgeries at the most reasonable rates.
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