subject: Super Spring Saving on Early Years resources! [print this page] Super Spring Saving on Early Years resources!
At last spring is finally here, the winter has gone and the dark nights are starting to disappear. Spring is the start of the brighter months. The change in weather can lift the spirits of young and old alike. Finding the perfect resource that allows children to have some fun and learn at the same time is not always an easy task.
Springtime is a fantastic opportunity to learn about the outdoors, learning about the life cycle of plants and the wildlife outside our classrooms or homes. There are some great ideas to educate children such as how to plant a seed, design a garden, or investigate the life of a worm
Why not prepare for the Easter celebrations by encouraging children to learn the real stories surrounding such a special time. Make time to create some Easter gifts, decorate egg cups or design and make a fancy Easter bonnet. Spring is the perfect time to explore the outdoors and learn all about nature, this could be in a classroom activity, small group or individually.
You can encourage children to write and sing along to poems and songs about the joys of springtime. Discussions about the buzz of the bees, how flowers swing and sway in the breeze, the brightly coloured daffodils in bloom and the new buds on the trees starting to grow.
Outdoor learning can be so much fun especially when the weather outside is fine, you can buy some fantastic role play Early Years resources and really have an inspiring day. Grab rug and have a picnic with some outdoor play food and tea set perfect to bring out laughter and enjoyment of playtime together in any location.
Sports day came come round so fast so springtime can really help you to get prepared by playing lots of outdoor games from many group activities like football, rounders, bike races and many more. Or even have you own mini sports day, if you have a small number of children this will be perfect and dress in colours or as there favourite characters from a whole role play selection perfect for dressing up.
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