subject: Couples Who Serious about Getting Pregnant - Lose Overweight or Obese to Increase Chances of Conception [print this page] Couples Who Serious about Getting Pregnant - Lose Overweight or Obese to Increase Chances of Conception
1.Know your "fertile window": This is perhaps the most important factor if you are looking to get pregnant. Unlike the man, who is fertile for most of his life, a woman is only fertile for a couple of days in every month.
This period is known as your "fertile window" and it is crucial that you are able to predict your fertile window with great accuracy.
Your fertile window is also known as your ovulation dates and it is when one of your ovary releases an egg. This egg is only viable for 2 to 3 days after which it will crumble and get washed away with your menstrual flow.
It is therefore important that you know when your ovary is about to or has just released an egg and plan intercourse with your partner to coincide with that time.
If you are able to time intercourse to one or two days before you ovulate, all the better. This will mean that your partner's sperm is already waiting to fertilise your egg when it is released by your ovary. Otherwise intercourse on the day you ovulate, or one, at most two days after you ovulate is still okay.
2. Regular intercourse: This may be obvious to you but I have seen couples who desperately want children not having regular intercourse. This is a must you are serious about getting pregnant.
Frequent intercourse with your partner is important not just to improve your chances of becoming pregnant but also to keep his sperm supply fresh. Believe it or not it is important that your partner ejaculates every 3 to 4 days to ensure that his sperm is fresh, viable and able to do the job!
3. The third sure way to get pregnant is to change your lifestyle: If you have been trying to get pregnant for a while and nothing seems to be happening then you need to examine your lifestyle. If you smoke then obviously you need to stop and the same goes for your partner as well.
You must also stop drinking alcohol and start eating healthy foods. It is especially important that you start taking prenatal supplements high in folic acid as this will ensure that when you do conceive your chances of miscarriage is greatly reduced.
4. Manage Your Weight: New research now suggests that weight does affect fertility and definitely delays conception. The research points out that is not just the woman's weight that affect fertility but also her partners.
If both partners in couple are overweight or obese then they are likely to have to wait longer before getting pregnant.
Bottom line - you need to lose weight if you are overweight or obese to increase your chances of conception.
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