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subject: Turquoise Bracelet – Knowing your Turquoise and loving the Art you purchase [print this page]

Turquoise Bracelet Knowing your Turquoise and loving the Art you purchase

For many years my family has created Turquoise bracelets for Native American and non-native alike. We have over 30 years of experience in the world of Native American Jewelry and we love it. It truly is our passion.

Traveling throughout the country selling our Turquoise Jewelry is how a large portion of our annual income is made. At almost every show there is a customer who comes up and shows his or her "purchase" from a trip to Arizona. After which they begin a conversation by asking, what we know about their piece and the artist that made it. The conversation usually doesn't go well when we inform them that the piece is not native made and the Turquoise is Chinese. While this situation is sad, it happens very frequently.

Knowing a little about Turquoise can really help your buying experience. It really doesn't take a lot of information to help, but knowing is half the battle right? So let's assume that you want natural Turquoise in your bracelet so mines should be a priority. The majority of Turquoise mines are found in California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado. Certain mines have been cleaned out and are no longer mined, but most are still alive and awesome suppliers in today's market.

The most common Turquoise may be Sleeping Beauty. From a buyer's perspective it seems to be everywhere. It is can be found in every shop, at every gem show and in many, many pawn shops. It is a good Turquoise. It is not a higher end Turquoise, however I know many artists who love it and will not use anything else. The Sleeping Beauty Turquoise mine is located in Northwestern Arizona. When Sleeping Beauty is cut and polished there can be a great deal of variation in the pieces. If you would like to see some examples this website would be a good starting place.

If the artist you are buying from cuts his or her own stone then that's even better. Most likely they will have documentation of where the stones where purchased. The documentation is actually very common and it is requested often on nicer pieces.

A Turquoise bracelet starts an awesome conversation and the conversation will be even better when you know more about the piece. As stated earlier this is our passion and we want to make sure you enjoy whatever you decide to purchase, so happy hunting.

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