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Long Term Care Insurance For Less

Long Term Care Insurance For Less
Long Term Care Insurance For Less

Of course, everyone wants to insure his or health before may health problems arise in the future, but this must be always coupled with huge savings. Isn't that possible? With whopping nursing home care rates, an ordinary American has to bear bulging expense of $80,000 for a year stay in a nursing home, and this figure will eventually increase in few more years.

Many individuals are eyeing at insurance for long term care, but they are often turned off with the exorbitant premiums. Policyholders with $200 daily benefits are expected to pay around $73,000 yearly premiums, and this amount can rise once they need higher level of care in the future. Otherwise, if they don't buy LTCi, they will be forced to self-insure, which is more risky. The last resort they turn to is ask assistance from Medicare of Medicaid, but they are only making the worst decision: individuals with more than $2000 assets are not eligible for Medicaid benefits unless they reduce their assets up to the required amount, meanwhile, Medicare will cover the first 100 days of nursing home stay with such limited services.

Admit it or not. Long term care insurance provides broader benefits than any other insurance or financing alternatives. And since LTCi is known for being monstrously expensive, these are some of the possible ways to cut your premiums and enjoy great savings at the same time.

Do you really need it?

This is the hardest question you have to answer. This will help you decide how much coverage you will need to lower the premiums. You have to determine or estimate how long you will stay in a LTC facility. The average nursing home stay is two to five years, but this may vary depending on your health or condition. However, the National Clearinghouse for Long Term Care Information reveals that 65-year-old seniors will need three years of long term care. This is why insurance experts recommend buying a policy with three years coverage to anticipate the future needs. But longer coverage will be needed if you are suffering from chronic disorders such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's or dementia. Nevertheless, longer coverage means higher premiums. Also, make sure to ask for long term care quotes to understand how much skilled care or personal care is going to cost you.

Doing the Trade-offs

Long term care insurance can be tricky because you need to put up some risks for the sake of affordability. For instance, buying longer elimination period will reduce your premiums significantly. You will pay the expenses on your own during the elimination period, and then the insurance company will turn over. If you purchase 90 or more days, your premiums will be deducted, but make sure you have sufficient resources to pay the out-of-pocket expenses.

The inflation protection will increase your LTCi premium a bit, but this provides bunch of benefits to your policy. When you purchase simple or compound inflation, your policy benefits will increase over the years to cope with staggering costs of care, but the premiums remain fixed. For example, your policy today is paying $200 daily benefits; this will give you $250 benefits in few years, without any hike in premiums.

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