subject: Living Life to the Fullest with a Health insurance [print this page] Living Life to the Fullest with a Health insurance
With all the health threats and challenges in the world,it's disheartening that over forty million American citizens don't have health coverage,and over eighty percent don't have a prescription plan,and well over fifty percent are going bankrupt yearly because of unending medical bills.
Yes,you may say resources at your disposal barely meet your basic needs,but,when there are emergency health cases,the resources one way or the other are made available.Must we wait on emergencies to act,or is it not wise and proactive to set aside some resources that will assist us when we encounter overwhelming life challenges.So,it's advisable to cut down on certain expensive lifesyles,to prepare for a more important plan-health insurance.
The truth is,when you are threatened with sicknesses,your passion for ostentatious living will be dampened.To be healthy is great asset that can not be quantified in monetary terms.It is an enduring wealth that gives you much hope to plan for extraordinary achievements and for the future.
One step to good living is personal hygiene.Take care of yourself.Take your bath regularly.Brush your teeth at least twice daily.Keep your environment clean.Wear clean clothes,sleep soundly,and exercise daily.
You must also take care of your lifestyle.Becareful of what you eat.Food is the nutrient to a sound body. Basically,avoid too much sugar,fried and junk foods. You can use the services of a nutritionist in this aspect.
Mind also what you drink.Too much intake of alcohol and strong drinks can be highly dangerous to you. Avoid too much of sugary drinks to be safe from diabetes.
Ensure you take vitamins daily to complement your food intake.Vitamins contain several and useful nutrients that will help keep us sound and healthy.
And when you are sick, go for prescription from a medical practitioner than relying on your own knowledge.Stop drug abuse.
I would also advice you to beware of illicit drugs,such as cocaine,heroin,steriods and other dangerous substances.These things can ruin you,not only healthwise but,it can take away your total being and existence.
Finally,ensure you exercise your body at least for thirty minutes daily,and go for regular checks especially when you have attained the age of forty for men,and thirty five for women.This will help you keep surveillance on your health,help you detect and arrest early any suspected danger.
Having enumerated some basic information that will benefit you,you can now realise that an insurance is inevitable.Some of the above information require money,and this is not easily available.You might be sick when you are broke.You might need to visit the doctor,but with an empty purse,you might be discouraged. And consistent negligence of your well being,places you in great danger.
The truth is,some sicknesses wouldn't become overwhelming if you take early steps to adopt a very good health plan.
When you have a health insurance from a competent,licensed, approved and experienced company,you prepare yourself for emergencies,and unforseen medical challenges.
You may consider talking to a professional provider for more useful information and quality health plan.
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