subject: Recycle And Build A Green Planet [print this page] Recycling is the act of processing used or abandoned materials and using it as raw materials for manufacturing new products. Studies show that the quantity of waste generated by the day to day human consumption is at a much higher proportion compared to any other industries. The governmental agencies have classified these wastes into two types namely product related wastes and non product wastes. Furniture, glasses, cans, and other durable wastes fall into the category of product related wastes while other wastes like newspapers are included in the category of non product wastes. In simple words, the wastes with a lifespan of more than 5 years have been classified under product related wastes and on the other hand, the products with lifespan of less than 5 years are known as non product wastes. In times like these, when the whole is talking about how to reduce the impact of global warming, it becomes a civic necessity to recycle the waste primarily due to the shortage of recyclable natural resources (raw materials) on earth.
Why Recycle?
Industries and individuals are directly and indirectly, consciously and unconsciously dumping the wastes generated in landfills or more easily, disposing them in sea. As per the statistics by US EPA, 4.6 million metric tons of electronic waste alone ends up in landfills every year causing toxic pollution of soil and water resources whose adverse impact will be experienced by the generations to come. This problem of dumping e-wastes is posing a serious threat to the natural ecology, environment, animal and plant life in addition to the real causers of the trouble - us, humans. As these wastes react with the minerals and chemicals present in the soil and undergo chemical reactions in the landfills, they emit many life threatening chemicals like lead, cadmium and mercury that mix with air. Moreover the gases produced due to these reactions contain methane which is prime cause of global warming rather than carbon dioxide. The generation of the wastes is ever increasing at a higher rate proportionate to the increase in population all over the world. This spate is same with the developed countries like United States of America, the UK and most of the European countries too. In America alone, per capita food consumption rate increased by more than 50% over the past 20 years resulting in more than 30% increase in the release of non product wastes.
Advantages of recycling
The major benefit/advantage of recycling is none other than the safe guarding the environment in addition to reducing human health risks posed by these hazardous e-wastes. Recycling reduces the quantity of wastes dumped in the landfills and mitigates the need to feed incinerator plants which pollute the air we breathe. The next major concern is the unavailability of enough raw material resources for our younger generation and the ones of the future. As there are many recycled substitutes that can be made use of in the production lines, another important benefit is the saving on the vast amount of energy and resources used up in producing new products in industries. Recycling is not a nonprofit business anymore. With the availability of online B2B portals the waste can be bought or sold from any scrap dealers all over the world at international rates. Get started on your online Recyclable Waste and Scrap Metal Business Plan with the help of the new technological solutions which brings you all the required information and linkages right into your hands.
by: Guna Seelan
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