subject: 2 Basic Myths About Making Money Online [print this page] 2 Basic Myths About Making Money Online 2 Basic Myths About Making Money Online
Experienced internet marketers often wonder why such a small number of people make it as full time marketers, when there is so much opportunity out there and the blueprint seems to be quite straightforward. It is definitely not the easiest question to answer, but there are certain things that appear as pretty obvious causes of this type of situation and predicament. We refer to them as myths.
They are not ancient myths about brave heroes and kings and queens, but something far more simple, yet dangerous. What we call internet marketing myths are just things that have been told and retold until they became mainstream or predominant views. And they happen to be false.
Here are the most dangerous myths about internet marketing, that prevent people from taking the leap toward full time internet income:
1. Making money online is hard
This myth is not specific to the internet, but is common in all areas of entrepreneurship. Because people start off with a false premise or a wrong idea about what it takes to run a business and fail, others see that as proof of difficulty. This is a very distorted view of how things work. The truth is that certain tasks associated with making money online are hard and others are easy, but making money online is pretty much as difficult and hard as you make it to be.
This isn't a weird concept at all to anyone that knows at least the basics of human psychology. People tend to validate their beliefs by creating situations that fulfil them. This is a vicious circle that cannot end until the person gains understanding of the reality of the situation. Many people make money online with ease, and with various degrees of effort and work involved.
2. Making money online is for scammers
This myth in part owes its existence to the mainstream media that seemed opsessed with reports of fraud and ponzi schemes online, while ignoring anything positive, thus giving the general public a pretty grim view of the "dangerous internet". There are plenty of honest and trustworthy masrketers online, but it gets tough for a beginner to weed ourt the good from the bad. This often enough end with discouragement, when people assume that they would have to become scammers to make any real money online.
These are just two in a long line of false beliefs, lies and myths that plague a big population of internet marketing newbies. The truth much brighter and optimistic than this.
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