subject: Google Adwords Optimization - the secret technique to supercharge your marketing [print this page] Google Adwords Optimization - the secret technique to supercharge your marketing
Google Adwords Optimization is a technique which could enable you to supercharge your internet marketing. Amazingly this statement applies equally whether or not you are using Google Adwords in your promotions.
You see, Google Adwords are quite simply keywords. For anyone building an Adwords campaign, a critical element of the the process is the researching and identification of a list of keywords which will untimately become the context within which the advertisement is displayed. So, whether you want to use Google Adwords or any other Pay Per Click(PPC) program, or not, careful research of the keywords, or Google Adwords Optimization as we call it, is absolutely critical to your success.
PPC programs like Google Adwords should be considered a shortcut. A quick and easy way to get onto page 1 or 2 of the Search Engine Results Page(SERP). The concept being, by being present on one of these pages allows you to capture the lions share of the traffic that the SERP generates. But remember you are paying for this service and you will go on paying for it as long as your ad is clicked, so it could become expensive. But, think for a minute about your own use of search engines, how often you click on PPC ads, as compared to how often you would click on the natural, or organic results? So although the PPC program will get you in front of people, it doesn't guarantee that your advert will be clicked. Interestingly there seems to be little research into this aspect of the SERPs. There is more research into our use of the organic results, apparantly on average 20% of users will click on the top organic result. So, if a keywords has 100,000 searches a month, around 20,000 of them will land on the page which is ranked at number #1
So, clearly, whether you are planning to pay to get onto page 1 of whether you want to get there through your own efforts - the Keyword/Adwords you select are massively important.
So, What Makes a Good Keyword/Adword ?
A good Adword/Keyword will contribute traffic to your you web-site, so clearly every Adword/Keyword should be specifically relevant to you website. However there are a number of aspects which are relatively generic. What you are looking for is 'high volume, low competition' - sound impossible doesn't it.
'High Volume' relates to the number of searches made, however, here you have to be a little careful, clearly if a keyword has millions of searches in a month, it is likely to be targetted by the big marketers, who have massive budgets available to them and are quite happy and prepared to spend them by overbidding to secure the 'Big' keywords. If you are one of these 'Big Marketers', then good luck to you. If, on the other hand you would like to genrate traffic at very low cost (or even FREE), then what follows maybe of interest. Rather than targetting a keyword which has say 2,000,000 searches a month, it would be much better to target a number of smaller keywords each with say around 100,000 searches. Why? simply because these 'smaller' keywords are going to be much, much easier to dominate. lets say you have identified a keyword phrase which has 100,000 monthly searches and you are able to get 2 or even 3 entries on page1 with the highest being #1, on this basis, you would be able to realistically expect to acheive around 25,000 - 30,000 visits to your web-site. So if you could repeat this 10 times - suddennly you are looking at 300,000 visitors to your web-site. Imagine for a moment the impact this would have on your business. So, how do we find these Adwords/Keywords? quite simply through the process of research.
Identifying the keywords. Google's own keyword tools give you the capabilty to do this - simply type 'Keyword Tool' into Google and then click on the relevant link to open the Google Adwords Keyword tool. This interface allows you to enter a keyword and it will provide you with a list of similar keywords, with global and locally monthly estimated searches. At this stage always start with a relatively generic keyword and then look through the list returned - you are looking for keyword phrases (usually three or more words) with a global search level of around 100,000. Build a list of say 20 Adword/Keywords phrases
'Low Competition' - relates to the numbers of web-sites out there that a specifically targetting your selected keyword well. The first step is to identify howmany web-sites are targetting the keyword it self. Google itself can help you here enter your first keyword and press search. Lets say for example that your Keyword is 'Google Adwords Keywords' initially just simply enter the words (without any inverted commas) and you will get a 5,910,000 results, so according to google there are 5,910,000 webpage contains that target any of these three words - in other words they contain 'Google' or 'Adwords' or 'Keywords' as mentioned previously, this would be very difficult to dominate - however, if you go back to google and enter the phrase with inverted commas around it like so - "Google Adwords Keywords" the result drops to 36,100 - this is obviously a lot easier to dominate!
Okay now we have established that less than 0.6% of the webpages are specifically targetting the Adwords/Keyword, the next step is to investigate how well the best of them are targetting your phrase....again this can be found out quite simply. Go back to your first page and look closely at the top entries....
You want to find that your Adwords/Keyword is
1. Exact phrase is rarely found in the extreme right of domains shown
2. Exact Phrase is rarely found in the extreme right of the titles shown
3. Exact phrase is rarely found in the anchor text
4. No page with a page rank higher that 4 in the top three results
5. No page with a page rank higher than 6 in the top ten results
Once you have established that your Adword/Keyword fulfils these criteria, you know that you have found and optimized an Adword/keyword which given time will deliver significant volumes of quality traffic to your web-site and better yet, if you then go on to optimise you web-site using what you have learnt you will be able to rely on ongoing 'free' web-traffic to web-site.
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