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Shielded Circle Is Debt Resolution That Works

Consumer credit statistics today tell a story of why the search is on for debt relief. Average credit card debt per household in the US is at just under $16,000. Interest rates are averaging at a whopping 14.35%. You would think this would make Americans stop using these plastic time bombs, but instead, more than six hundred million people sit holding three or more credit cards. These individuals are beginning to search out The Shielded Circle

Right now, consumers in the United States are over $800 billion in unsecured debt due to credit card use. These statistics are terrible given an economic downturn which won't seem to right itself quick enough. According to FICO statistics, only one in twenty consumers have credit histories shorter than two years, and there are an extraordinary number who have obligations on credit cards that are over ten years old. Can you even imagine the interest that has been paid toward all that! The frustration is overwhelming, and that's when the search for debt relief starts, and hopefully, it isn't too late.

Several years ago, U.S. Bankruptcy laws were changed. It is more difficult than ever before to utilize bankruptcy and qualifying for it is difficult. Let's also assume that you were one of the luck ones to be allowed to file Bankruptcy, even then, it is no longer a process that wipes debt off the board and creates a nice clean financial slate for starting over.

Many people sought after debt consolidation when they realized that a bankruptcy was not an option. The problem here is that you needed collateral and decent credit. Collateral could not come from a home where the value has fallen drastically and decent credit is not an option as most people have been late on their credit card payments, thus hurting their credit.

The answer for more and more people has been The Shielded Circle. This 6 year old firm uses contract, constitutionally based law to block your creditors from being able to collect from you. Once this is done, they use that leverage to wipe out your unsecured debt and then completely. Not only do they wipe out the debt, but they also completely clean your credit file. This company offers one of the only true methods available for unsecured debt resolution and elimination.

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