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Brent Paynes We are Avant part time home business

Brent Paynes We are Avant part time home business

Avant the new home based business concept created by Brent Payne the co-founder also known as the co-founder of freedom League global which was a private development australian 2 up compensatory plan system, which was forced to shutdown as the products didn't have the worth for the money also it was named as a Multi Level Marketing pyramid scheme which is unlawful in business.

So the reason why your here, what is We are Avant?

The company has a product line of three private development products, one course and 2 events, the company also claims you'll have six techniques of earning earnings within this compensation plan including the residual override which I will explain in detail at once. As freedom League global was also an individual Development company and for the value the product was not worth it.

So lets see what Avant has to offer?

The 1st product in the Avant line is the elevate which is the 72 day home based business programme which claims to help in awareness to develop a significant life, the product contains a DVD programme, a journal, a work book, training coals, social networking and also three CD's which induce individuals when listening to constantly all retailed at $1595, wholesale price which is paid to Avant $595 and you profit $1000 also you'll have a residual of $200 every time your members make a sale, the company offersa 72 day money back guranteed which is stated with Avant, freedom league offered a corresponding product line but this company Avant you turn a profit from your first sale rather than a two up system.

The second product in the line is radically change the three day LIVE event which is held in an exotic location around the globe, which permits 2 participants into the event and a hotel room for 2 folks, and in this event your will have the chance to meet everyone locally, also hand on activities will be taking place as well as LIVE motivational speakers, basicly the Transform is the start to the following product which I will mention, so that the Transform is $9495 retail costs, wholesale $4,495 and you profit $5,000 and you've a residal override of $1000 each time your members make a sale.

The third product in the pipe line is transcend which is the four day event and is intended to put what you have learnt in raise and Transform in to Action in this event, which gives you a clear notion of where your heading and a good understanding, The event is 2 tickets for two individuals anda hotel room for the two the event brings together the entire community together for food, entertainment and exciting speakers and guest hosts, This live event combines electrifying shows with ground-breaking participation in studies, physical challenges and break-out study groups that will prove you have really reached the top of the mountain. A celebratory black tie dinner and dancing event hardens new life-long friendships and your newly found power to form positive change in your life and across the globe.

lastly the compensation plan to this products, the retail price for the product is $16,495, which you have to purchase and your new members to enrol on that level, the wholesale price which is paid to the company $6,495, and you profit $10,000 and do not forget the override which you receive each time an affiliate enrols a new member you will receive $2,000 commision.

That's the entire review on We Are Avant home based business Opportunity, the company offers a compound compensation plan toward each product, the main feature what you need to have a look into is the promotion system to market the Avant goods and services, Avant offers their own promotion technique which is the down turn with the company, to plug your business the main ingredient is Attraction selling which helps you brand yourself not pitching the company as you will not become successful by pitching.

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