subject: Knowing about the Holmes Beach: A city of Joy [print this page] Knowing about the Holmes Beach: A city of Joy
On the Island of Anna Maria situated a beautiful city Holmes beach in the Manatee Country located in Florida, United States. According to census of year 2000, the population of the city is 4966 and the population which was recorded by the U.S Census Bureau is near 5100. Holmes Beach is considered to be a peaceful part of Sarasota-Bradenton-Venice. These are the metropolitan statistical areas of the Florida. This city is situated in the central part of Anna Maria Island and is 1 of the 3 municipalities on the island. The other 2 municipalities are the Anna Maria and Bradenton Beach. According to the Census Bureau of United States, the city has got a total area of 4.5 Km2. The total water area is 0.3 km2 and remaining area is of land.
Key Royale is an island which is located in the adjacent bayside and is included in the limits of the city. This island was earlier known as the School Key. This island was uninhabited until 1960. The reason behind this was the development of the bridge which was connecting the island to the Holmes Beach Section of the Island of Anna Maria and the Sarasota Florida Homes. This begun the development of the city.
Knowing about the Demographics of the City:
According to the census of year 2000, the population of the city is 4966 which comprises of 2538 household and there were 1482 families residing in the city. The density of the population was calculated to be 1183.6 km2. There are 4202 housing units and average density is considered to be 1001.5/km2. When it comes to the racial makeup of the city, the white population is 98.59%, while there are 0.12% of African American, 0.12% of the Native American, 0.28% are Asian, 0.08% are Pacific Islander and other races constitutes the 0.22%. Latino and Hispanic are the two races which constitutes the 1.65% of the population.
When it comes to the households, there are 2538 households, among which there are 13.7% children who are under the age of 18 and the percentage of married couple is 49.2%. There are around 6.5% of female householders which are living without husband and the non-families comprises of 41.6%. The people who are above the age of 65 constitute the older category and they form 17.8%, while 34% of all the households comprised up of the individuals. The average size of the household is 1.96 and the average size of the family is 2.44.
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