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5 smart steps to protect your child's skin
Yes, you've heard this before, but it can't be stressed too much. It's crucial to provide proper sun protection for your child. After all, only one blistering sunburn is all it takes to double your child's risk of getting melanomathe most serious type of skin cancerat some point in life.
1. Select the right sunscreenProper use of sunscreen or sunblock is one of the most important steps you can take to protect your child from sun exposure. Select a broad-spectrum sunscreen that blocks UVA and UVB radiation and has a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 15 or higher. If your child is very young or has extremely sensitive skin, use a product made for children that contains the sunblocks zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.
2. Slather it onMost people don't use nearly enough sunscreen. Apply a generous handfulabout an ounceof sunscreen on your child. Repeat the application every 3 to 4 hours or 1 to 2 hours if the child is exposed to water or perspires a lot.
3. 10 to 2the most hazardous time of day
Avoid sun exposure during the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. when the ultra-violet rays of the sun are most dangerous.
4. Dress up!
Provide a hat and sunglasses for even the smallest child. Have your youngster wear long sleeves and long pants when possible, and choose dark colors, which absorb fewer rays. If your child is very fair, consider purchasing UV-protective clothing.
5. Cloudy days and winter
Don't forget sun protection for your kids when it's cloudyclouds don't block UV rays. And in the winter, it's easy to forget that sunburn is still a threat. But the sun's rays are still powerful, so you need to follow the same precautions as during the warmer months.
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