subject: Unique Native American Knives [print this page] Unique Native American Knives Unique Native American Knives
The Native American knife goes back in history to a time when the first Americans traveled to the New World. They brought their skills with them. Among those skills, was that of making flint knives. In time, Europeans brought the metal knife to the new world. The Native Americans were able to use these knives even more easily than they had their flint ones. Hunting, skinning, and carving all became easier to accomplish. However, it was not long before Indian artisans began to make Native American knives themselves. Some of these artists have abandoned modern methods and have returned to more natural and original materials.Besides the knives used for the usual tasks, Native Americans were renowned for their skill with the throwing knife. It was primarily used during battles and became known as a much feared weapon. Although deadly and accurate, the first throwing knives were made of flint. The introduction of the metal knife only made it easier for warriors to use these weapons. The art of Native American knives has continued to flourish even as war has been left behind. The knives crafted today by Native American artists are of the highest quality. They are often exceedingly decorative as well as beautiful and create interesting collectibles. Collections can be built around those knives produced by a single tribe as each tribe will have its own personal style. Many collectors will want to collect Native American knives from a range of tribes. A single artist is sometimes the focus of a knife collection. There are Native American knives available with a stainless steel blade that have beautifully inlaid handles. Commonly used for the inlays are treasured items such as ivory, silver and turquoise. However, a real feel for the indigenous American can be had with knives created in the old way. There are knives available, which hearken back to the free living spirits of long ago, made by Indian artists. It may be possible to find a knife with an obsidian blade with a handle of elk horn. Another element that has been used is the bone of a deer offered to history through the Cherokee nation. Making wonderful collectibles and display items, the Native American knives made today are of the highest quality. These knives may be adorned with feathers, fur, beads, and leather which makes them unique and individual. Any home decorated in a southwestt or western style will benefit from a collection of Native American knives. Such is their artistic quality that they could even be appropriate as a display in an ultra modern setting.
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