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subject: It's true - our Trucks define Us! [print this page]

It's true - our Trucks define Us!

It's true - our Trucks define Us!
It's true - our Trucks define Us!

I have long believed that the vehicles we drive truly reflect who we are. Who we are, what we're made of, what we're passionate about, and what we stand for. So when we make the trek to the car lot to pick out our next family trickster, there's lots more going on than just price and ratings. Being the animals that we are, each of us has our own specific code of ethics to satisfy our need for individuality. Whether your thing is size, horsepower, custom wheels, interior design, or open tops, the one you pick has to fit YOU!

Oddly, even if we all had to buy the same Chevy Silverado Pickup in the same color, we would each find our own way of decorating it up to make it unique! Crazy beasts that we are!! That's what makes the aftermarket auto accessories market so great! We can buy extra little gadgets and widgets to set ours apart from the rest. Be it a custom set of seat covers, floor mats, or decals, we can make the interior our own. On the outside, we can add running boards, deflectors, body kits, fender flares, custom grille guards and more.

Out of all of that, the grille guard is always the best, because it sits right up front. So everybody watching it approach can see it. They are fairly large pieces too, so they really stand out. And they totally change the look of the front end. Yes, they also protect it, but it's the look that matters here! Whether you choose a billet material, stainless, chrome, black powder coat, or some combination, they look awesome up there.

Before you start to wander up and down the rows at the dealership, do some wandering through the pages of the internet stores and look at the goodies you can add. There are a number of reputable auto accessories sites that feature a large selection of parts and gear to dress up your rig. Take the time and check them out, and start looking around at others with your vehicle of choice and see what they have done that works for you. It isn't the total look you're after either, it's really a piece by piece thing.

So get to shopping and looking, and then go get that beast of your dreams! And start dressing it out to fit your style and personality!

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