Activ E-Book Compiler is a software program created by a company called Answers 2000 Limited for helping people to create quality e-books of their own. The program works with many PC operating systems and comes with detailed documentation on how to use it. Activ E-Book Compiler was created to help people integrate their e-book writing efforts with resources on the Internet so that they can get them created and on the market as quickly as possible.
Detailed Overview
A lot of people feel that they could probably write e-books and sell them, but the majority of these people aren't sure how to go about it. Though it is possible to create an e-book, turn it into a PDF file and make it downloadable from a website all on your own, it can be wonderful to have help with the whole process. This is where Activ E-Book Compiler comes in. Though it's up to you to write the e-book and put valuable information in it, this software program can help you put all of that information together correctly so that you have a professional looking e-book when you're finished. Activ E-Book Compiler was created for the person who just wants to write and then market and doesn't want to bother too much with all of those steps in between.
With Activ E-Book Compiler you can create as many e-books as you want. The makers of this software program promise that it is very user friendly. They also promise that you will even be provided with instructions for when you want to put some HTML code in one or more of your e-books. Using the program you can easily insert links into your e-books, which most people like to do for upselling. It also allows you to password protect your e-book, which can discourage digital theft and you can even brand all of your e-books with your name, company name and logo that you can save within the program.
There is a free trial version of Activ E-Book Compiler so this allows you to try it out before deciding whether you want to purchase it or not. Of course, with the trial version you don't get all of the features that you would get with the paid version, but you will be able to create an e-book, which should give you a good idea of how well the product will work for you.
The majority of the feedback from those who have purchased and used Activ E-Book Compiler has been positive. People seem happy with how user-friendly it is and happy with all of the paid-version features as well as the reasonable price. From this feedback it looks like it would be a good investment for those who want to get into creating and selling their own information products.
Domain "Whois"
The Whois information for a website lists the owner and their contact information. The Whois information for "Activ E-Book Compiler" is public which is generally a good thing. This indicates the owner of this site has nothing to hide.
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