subject: Child Custody Holidays Commonly Shared In Nevada [print this page] Child Custody Holidays Commonly Shared In Nevada
Child custody cases often involve determining how to share, split or otherwise divvy up the holidays with the children. Families are all different and there may be holidays that are unique and specific to each individual family. For example, Nevada Day is a holiday specific to Nevada. Many religions have specific holidays other than Christmas and Easter. In considering the holidays to address in your child custody case don't forget to include any additional special dates specific to your family or religion.
You should also consider the school schedule. If your children are enrolled in year-round school, breaks often occur for longer period throughout the year. School breaks should be taken into consideration when planning a visitation schedule, as they are a substitute for the traditional school summer break.
As a general rule, the following is a list of commonly divided holidays:
Labor Day
Nevada Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Break
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
New Years Eve/day
Martin Luther King Day
President's Day
Spring Break
Mother's Day
Father's Day
Fourth of July
Summer Vacation
Birthday of Child(ren)
Birthday of Each Parent
There is no right or wrong in dividing the holidays. The best rule of thumb is to split them in a way that makes sense for your individual families and allows for both parents to have special time with the children. Also remember to allow for uninterrupted time for vacations for each parent.
As an attorney representing parents in child custody matters in the Reno/Carson Nevada area, I encourage my clients to review the holidays in the beginning of the case. It is a good opportunity to start talking about the division of the holidays from the start especially if you have a particular holiday that is important to your own family.
This article is not meant to be all inclusive or a substitute for legal advice from a licensed attorney in your own jurisdiction. If you are involved in a legal matter and have questions, you should contact a competent attorney in your own jurisdiction. Child Custody matters in Nevada can be confusing and hard to understand, we can help.
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