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subject: Best Man: Here's How to Make An Awesome Speech & Toast at a Wedding| [print this page]

Best Man: Here's How to Make An Awesome Speech & Toast at a Wedding|

It's not every day that you have been given the honor of being best man at your close friend's or relative's wedding. You are probably very excited at the prospect of standing next to him as he receives his bride in the beginning of the wedding ceremony. Congratulations!

Like every best man, it's very probable that you are also anticipating the thought of giving a speech to the whole wedding crowd at the reception following the marriage ceremony.

Whether you are a practiced speaker, used to being in front of a crowd, or feel a little trepidation or fear at the prospect of giving this important speech, it would be advisable for you to create your speech carefully. So, I am glad to be of assistance to you as you ponder the formulation of your speech.

Listed below are just a few tricks to make your speech entertaining, significant, and worry-free:

First, don't forget that you are at the head of the wedding celebration, just after the bride and groom. If the father of the bride and the groom plan to present a speech before you, then your speech needs to be more light-hearted and interesting to the audience.

A straightforward start is to offer acknowledgement to the prior |two speakers, the father of the bride and the groom, after which introduce yourself briefly, since not everybody will know you. You possibly can then add a quip, for example a joke or a funny statement to let your audience know that your speech won't be heavy or boring.

This may be a perfect time to make use of a terrific wedding quote or saying which individuals might recognize and enjoy.

Then, thank the groom for asking you to be his best man. Compliment him and especially the bride on how they glow and on the beautiful wedding ceremony. You can talk on behalf of the maid of honor or bridesmaids and the other groomsmen. Thank the hosts of the celebration on behalf of the guests; typically they're the dad and mom of the bride.

You may then insert other famous wedding quotes and sayings, perhaps selecting one or two that will relate to an anecdote which you could tell about the bride and groom. You can tell them a story about how they met, and your observations on how the groom acted or became different through the courtship. Or, with out offending or embarrassing anyone, you may mention some funny incidents about the preparations for the event, like an averted disaster or some behind the scenes story.

Lastly, you could then thank the listeners, on behalf of the bride and groom, for everyone's participation and their gifts. Then, end your best man speech with a heartfelt proposal of a toast to the bride and groom. Congratulate or bless them, show them how greatly you care about them, and express your greatest wishes to the bride and groom for an eternity of love and happiness together.

Here again, you may utilize some wedding quotes and sayings that will help you with the toast! They are in abundance and easy to find, and they truly will add a nice touch to your speech! Have fun!

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