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Why is Fish Oil for Women So Important?

Why is Fish Oil for Women So Important?
Why is Fish Oil for Women So Important?

Do you know why doctors recommend fish oil for women? Basically, they provide you with necessary nutrients throughout your life. It makes a lot of sense when you realize fish is full of essential fatty acids. Yet it can affect you differently at different stages of your life.

What Does Fish Oil Do?

This oil is made of omega 3 fatty acids. If you've heard of the "good fats", that's what these are. They're good because they reduce chronic inflammation which can lead to memory loss and heart disease.

They're also necessary because they soothe frazzled nerves in your brain (and body) which helps improve your mood and your memory.

Let's look at the different stages of life.

Fish Oil for Pregnant Women

It turns out, fish oil is recommended for women so often because of these essential fatty acids, especially DHA, which makes up 60% of your brain. When you're pregnant, your baby needs these fats for its developing brain. Studies show if your child doesn't get enough DHA, he or she can be 2-3 months behind other children in developing motor skills and language.

Since fish oil soothes your nerves it can literally help keep you in a positive frame of mind, even during all these radical life changes of becoming a parent. Research shows, women who get enough DHA suffer fewer instances of post partum depression.

For Your Child

Your child's need for DHA doesn't end in infancy. Studies show children who get enough of these essential nutrients can perform better in school because they have higher levels of focus and concentration.

An English study found children labeled ADD who were fed fish oil supplements improved their school performance in as little as two months.

But back to the ladies, fish oil for women can also improve your concentration and focus and those mood boosting abilities? That's not just limited to pregnancy. The DHA in fish is proven to elevate your mood throughout your life.

Plus, it can reduce your chances of heart disease which you may know is one of the single biggest reasons for early death in women. A Harvard researcher found this oil to be the only dietary supplement that protected against heart attacks.

Specifics You Should Know

The thing to know about the oil is you need is to be sure you get pure fish oil. You certainly don't want to take or feed your family something with toxins in it. Depending on how it's sourced and processed, some fish can have a lot of lead or mercury in it.

Your supplements should also have high levels of DHA in them. Not all supplements are created equal so check around to make sure you're getting the best value for your money.

To learn more about high quality fish oil for women, please visit my website where I share ways to evaluate the pills.

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