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What To Seek Out And What To Avoid In A Multi Level Marketing Product

The Right Multi Level Marketing Product - What to Look for And What to Avoid

Choosing the best MLM opportunity for you involves many factors. Whatever the network marketing company sells is just one element that you really need to examine . . .but it is an extremely important one. . .

According to Darren Falter, author of "How to Select a Network Marketing Company" and the top network marketers that he interviewed. . .there are 7 qualities that are absolutely essential for a multi level marketing product to bring you success.

You might already know in the back of your mind what these qualities are but it's always better to put them down in black and white.

1. Is the product consumable? This could very well be the most important point in the whole list. It may seem obvious but it's surprising how many network marketing products are NOT consumable. Ask yourself. .will the product you are selling be used (and used up) on a regular basis? Or is it something that you buy once and it lasts forever? You want to pick something that you can sell again and again to the same customers. Some products are more consumable than others and that's fine. Just make sure that your multi level marketing product is used on a regular basis.

2) Is the product or service emotional? Does it stir up feelings of excitement and enthusiasm? Many network marketing goods represent people's needs. But, although they may not realize it, most people are more likely to buy what they really want than what they really need. Vacuum cleaners are necessary. . .but are they exciting?

3) Is the multi level marketing product suitable for the direct sales model? Or do consumers usually go to retail establishments for this type of good? If your product isn't traditionally sold in the direct sales model, it might create some difficulties for you in your business. If people are not used to purchasing the product through direct sales, you'll more than likely have a hard time getting them to change their minds now.

4) Does the multi level marketing product stand out in any way? Does it have a unique angle? A good item should be unique. . .but make sure that it is "believably unique" as well. If something seems too good to be true, it's probably worth it to do a little extra research. What makes a product unique? Among other things, it could be a unique ingredient, a unique patent or trademark, a celebrity endorsement, or unique branding or packaging.

5) Is the demand for this multi level marketing product huge right now? Timing is everything. Don't be fooled into thinking that it's better to start selling a product before it's really popular or to keep selling a product that has lost its luster or appeal in today's economy.

6) How stable is the multi level marketing product? How long has it been around and how long will it last? I suggest choosing one that's been around for at least five years. Don't be fooled by promises of more potential with a start-up company. They are also the most likely to have problems and fold.

7) Is the multi level marketing product worth what people will pay for it. . .or even worth more than they pay for it? Would they buy it in a retail store at the same price? The product must have value.

The multi level marketing product is just one factor that should contributes to your decision about joining a network marketing company or sticking with the one you are with currently.

You'll find lots of network marketing companies whose products pass the test above. Put a quality multi level marketing product together with the other important elements for success in network marketing and you've got the basic layout for a profitable business.

by: Laura A Shapiro

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