subject: Getting Pregnant With Fibroids [print this page] Getting Pregnant With Fibroids Getting Pregnant With Fibroids
If you are thinking about starting a family and are suffering from fibroids, you may well be wondering if getting pregnant with fibroids is difficult and what kind of impact it could have on your pregnancy.
Pregnancy is always a time filled with a mixture of excitement and anticipation, but it is also a worrying time, when we are concerned that everything is progressing just as it should. At this time, we do not need the added complication of fibroids to worry about. For many women, getting pregnant with fibroids does not cause a problem, particularly if your fibroids are very small and not located in places which will inhibit conception. However, it is not just becoming pregnant that you must worry about as fibroids can sometimes cause issues during the pregnancy itself and at the time of the delivery.
Fibroids can affect your chances of becoming pregnant if they are particularly large or located at the entrance of the womb or near the fallopian tubes. Both of these locations can inhibit the passage of sperm, thus preventing it reaching and fertilizing the ovum. If fibroids are located under the lining of the womb (submucosal) they can sometimes prevent conception as they distort the shape of the womb lining, making implantation difficult.
Although getting pregnant with fibroids may not pose a problem, what you cannot anticipate is the effect they could possibly have on the developing pregnancy. Some women may go on to experience an early miscarriage due to fibroids and they may even cause an early labor or a cesarian delivery.
If you are not yet pregnant, it is sensible to think about what you can do to minimize the impact on the pregnancy and to prevent any problems becoming pregnant. Fibroids respond well to natural remedies and as these tend to be kind to the body, they would not be detrimental to a forthcoming pregnancy, unlike surgery or drug treatment.
If you would like further information on my recommended natural treatment for fibroids, please visit my website, Fibroids and Pregnancy.
Written by a nutritionalist, health writer and former fibroids sufferer herself, the system I recommend is groundbreaking and I am confident that you will finally feel that you have found something that will work for you. Fibroids Miracle also comes with 3 months free one-to-one counseling from an expert, to give you the best possible chance of getting pregnant with fibroids.
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