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subject: Online Architecture PhD For Busy Builders [print this page]

Online Architecture PhD For Busy Builders

Architecture is a mixture of art and science. That's why a building represents the heart, mind and soul of its designer. It is to be practical yet beautiful to look at. Whether the building is a large multi-story structure or a small shed, it must live up to its purpose of being constructed. What's the point of staying in a house that has a large footprint with very little useable space, bad lighting and imbalanced temperature settings? No one wants to live or work in a place that only fulfils half its objective. This is where an experienced architect is called for.

Planning, designing, building and constructing make up the basics of architecture. For the qualified architect who has notched a few buildings and projects on his portfolio, it is always good to consider methods to further his career. Since time is a limited resource, perhaps getting an online architecture PhD may be a good option to juggle between family, work and study. Although the course may cover areas which are already known, it will help to deepen one's comprehension as well as weed out any bad habits picked up along the way.

Depending on each institution, the understanding of an online architectural course can mean a combination of distance learning with some research work at physical locations of relevance. Others may require coursework with minimal residency requirements. Published works with reputable professional organizations and course registration may suffice for others.

Although doing a course online normally requires access to the internet, in doing an online architectural course may require additional software such as computer-aided design and mathematical applications in your home computer. Consideration and reflection on the surrounding environment is certainly a mandatory area to look into in the process of constructing a building from start to end. As part of urban design and planning, landscapes and city skylines have to be considered to ensure safe construction that will last into the future. Hence, sitting in front of a screen constitutes a small part for an online architecture PhD coursework as it'll probably entail visits to local building authorities and municipals to understand laws and regulations.

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