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Rayman Raving Rabbids (PC) Review

Rayman Raving Rabbids (PC) Review
Rayman Raving Rabbids (PC) Review

Typically developed for the Nintendo Wii, Rayman arrives with his new title also on the small screens of computers at home: do not hide a certain curiosity before touching the hand of a kind of game very common in Europe but in the East, especially in China, Korea and Japan by storm because of their simplicity, directness and loads of sympathy!

First, there is no plot in the game: the introductory pseudocampagna is nothing more than a mere arena set in ancient Rome-style, in which our valiant protagonist in the form of eggplant will compete in various mini-games in an attempt to gain freedom and liberate the Globox their friends, kidnapped by the evil rabbits (which remind me so much bunnies suicide)!

The scheme is simple and fun novel, just because the novelty factor is concentrated in 75 varieties of game, where the mouse will be essential (in the absence of the Wii controller and peripherals) you go from race to rage with a click mouse to the fantastic sparatoie with guns flip-style western suckers against the rabbits, including a step or Dance Dance Revolution (the pad to dance to electronic music found in many amusement arcades). The game modes are many, from the most banal and enjoyable, the most foolish and heartbreaking bitches. You list them scattered in the order they come to mind among those who have impressed me most: D:

The launch of the cow, where poor cow chained Carolina sprizzer a flight absurd, once you have done to make Rayman rotational movement on the platform thanks to the mouse.

Bunnies hunger and fill the mouth of the foods to rabbits virtually drawn with a magic marker! It's really funny to do the graffiti on the glass.

Rabbits are the shit: close the door of the baths, before they open, with the risk of having a rabbit as pissed esplita your needs!

Dance Dance Revolution: press the left and right mouse buttons in time to music, through buttoncini lights scroll across the screen. Mythical strumming songs of rabbits, such as "Misirlou," "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" and "La Bamba".

Rabbits love the hammer sacagnatele barrel in the famous carnival game with the hammer, the real one and it hurts!

Rabbits love football: Instead of using boring obsolete balls, kick a penalty to Bobo Carlos with a rabbit, cute

The labyrinth of mind: the sloping floor of a mental maze, and slide the ball while avoiding the traps, reaching the finish line in the specified time.

And many other tricks, now I am not to list ...

All they play are not exactly the bag of flour Ubisoft, which makes quite explicit the obvious inspiration from the flash-games around the web (an example?!)

Upon completion of 3 out of 4 games per level, you will have free access to the level boss: a frantic sparatoia to blows in the first sturacessi subjective, you have to hit all the rabbits that roam the screen, including those in costume or Superman Sam Fisher! Shoot with left click and reload the gun with the right click of the mouse, and try to free his friend Globox as quickly as possible.

As you level by level minigiochini active in this, Rayman will collect costumes and skins to customize your own Rayman, together with the victory of a sturacessi useful to try to evacuate from the only window (located very high up) in the cell where the rabbits have locked our hero.

All in all, the title is full of charisma, humor and underlying sadism, to be commended for the great originality, combined with graphics a bit 'poor. Designed purely for the Wii, the transposition on the PC shows all the limitations that classical devices such as mice and keyboards, they can stumble across a product so new and shocking. Of course unleashes its full potential in the multiplayer, with lively challenges with friends or her friends ever! Positively, although not the best.

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